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"If you've tried everything to quit smoking, it's time to get real - It's hard to stop any habit you love. Just slapping on a sticker, eating a pill or chewing gum will never change how you feel about smoking...
'I Am Smoke-Free Now' will


I Am Smoke-Free Now! is a behavior modification program that will eliminate all desire to perform the behavior called smoking, even if you have smoked for 10, 20, 30 years or more.

Regular listening to this amazing audio program while you relax or sleep is guaranteed to increase your desire to quit smoking. As long as you keep hitting the "play" button, as sure as the sun rises everyday, you will quit smoking whatever it is you smoke… and the best part is it will happen without spending hundreds of dollars.

Quitting smoking for good has never been easier...

Hopefully by now, you've tried the patches, the gum, the 12-step program and the herbs that all claim to take your urges away.

I say I hope that you've tried all those things because you really need to know how futile most of it is:

  • A patch cannot eliminate a physical and emotional habit-It can only satisfy your body's desire for an addictive substance. But that is just one of the factors related to the habit.

  • Pills and gums cannot stop you from getting an urge to smoke when you're in situations where you've always smoked. It is an impossibility.

Most smokers will only quit when they absolutely have to... due to some health crisis or the intense fear of one. So they quit when they no longer get the physical or emotional "pleasure" from it. They quit when it doesn't make sense to them any more.

The stark truth is this... You'll only quit when the meaning of smoking changes for you.

I Am Smoke Free Now! will get
you to that place fast.

But it will let you do it on your own terms.

It makes you really want to be smoke-free...

It makes you feel about smoking the way non-smokers feel about it...

It will re-pattern all the thoughts you currently have about smoking and make them appear ridiculous to you. You just won't be telling yourself the lies any more...

Why do those other ways fail
most of the time?

The reason quitting smoking is so hard long-term is not so much because of the physical need for nicotine...

That goes away within a month.

It's hard to quit smoking because it's a behavior; an action and a habit that provides emotional pleasure.

It becomes who you are... a smoker. And to quit smoking, you'd be giving up a part of who you are.

Although the body's physical need disappears rather quickly, if you don't collapse all the anchors to smoking and scramble all your smoking triggers, the mental urge can come back even years after a person quits smoking.

And if you've quit dozens of times only to start up time and time again, you know exactly what I mean.

What will I Am Smoke-Free Now!
do for you?

Listen to I Am Smoke Free Now! while you sleep and at any other time you can, and you'll see these pleasant behavior changes:

  • If you know you should quit smoking, and can even list dozens of reasons why, but can't quit because you simply LOVE it, then I Am Smoke-Free Now! may be the only solution to your problem.


    Because it will make you want to quit. Your love for smoking will quickly reduce, become neutral, and then go 180 degrees the other way. And, your desire to stay smoke-free will be just as strong and firm as the most fervent non-smoker you know. All you have to do is play this audio while you relax or sleep.

  • Your smoking "triggers", those situations, those people, those thoughts that normally stimulate the desire or need to smoke will be dissolved so that they will no longer create the urge to light up.

  • Perhaps you've always been one to come up with feeble excuses why you had to smoke, like:
    • It kept you thin
    • You hardly ever get sick, so why should you quit
    • Low tar is OK
    • Everyone needs a vice
    • You think you've smoked too long; it's too late for you
    • You'll quit after some future event (but never do)
    • There's too much going on in your life to quit (pressures, etc.)

Regular listening to I Am Smoke-Free Now! will help to "clear the air" so that you can truly, honestly see the folly in those beliefs. And when no excuse sounds good enough to you, that's the day you've become a non-smoker in the only place it counts-in your mind.

So, that automatic habit of reaching for the pack won't be so automatic. Sure, you might still reach for it in the beginning. But soon the time between the "trigger" and the reaching will get longer…and eventually the reaching will not occur at all.

  • No matter how many people smoke around you, pass it by your face or blow it in your direction, you will still magically, almost effortlessly, lose all desire to smoke.

  • The truth is, it's possible to feel calm and relaxed without puffing on a weed. Billions of people do it. And with regular listening to I Am Smoke-Free Now! while you sleep, you too will be able to calm yourself and relax just like all those billions of non-smokers do, no matter what stress or pressure you may be under.

  • Even though you may currently see the task of quitting smoking as too overwhelming and feel totally hopeless, I Am Smoke-Free Now! will help you shrink down the size of the job so that it looks and feels easy and doable.

  • Do you absolutely DREAD the thought of withdrawal sickness? I have good news for you. Your desire to quit smoking will grow gradually as you continue to listen more to I Am Smoke-Free Now! With this gradual reduction in the amount you smoke, you will lessen the likelihood of getting sick or feeling ill as your body cleanses itself from nicotine and other smoking toxins.

  • The volume of that little voice inside your head telling you, "You're a smoker. It's who you are. You can't quit. Who are you kidding?" will get turned down and fade away. And you'll be able to turn up the volume of a new recording that says, "You can do it! You enjoy being smoke-free. You are a non-smoker!"

    Even if that little voice is so strong that you've continued to smoke through diseases like emphysema or cancer, I Am Smoke-Free Now! can even help you quit once and for all.

  • If you've ever gotten nervous and jittery during your previous attempts to quit smoking, it's because you were trying to act like someone you're not… a non-smoker. Your self-concept is still probably very much a smoker.

    I Am Smoke-Fee Now! works because it develops in you the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs of non-smokers. Since you're becoming a non-smoker in your mind, you'll no longer feel a conflict between your actions (not smoking) and the person you believe you are coming to be.

  • If you're worried about gaining weight after you quit smoking using I Am Smoke Free Now!, you shouldn't be. The primary reason that people gain weight is because of the continued need to reach up and put something in their mouth.

    But I Am Smoke-Free Now! will modify that behavior so the pattern of reaching up to your mouth will be broken. You'll then be free to carry on your normal activities or socialize without the need to do anything else with your hands and mouth, and without the worry of excessive overeating.

"I simply don't want to smoke!"

"Mike, I understand the theory behind these programs completely. The statements on them are the best I've ever seen. You didn't miss anything.

But I've been a smoker for over 25 years and if the truth be told, I loved smoking. I didn't want to quit. But after listening to 'Live Smoke-Free Now!' for not yet a month, only while I sleep, I rather quickly decreased my smoking down to nothing. This is amazing. I know it should work, and yet I'm surprised that it did. I simply don't want to smoke! In fact, I almost can't imagine taking another puff. My hat's off to you. It's a very fine tool. And your e-zine is the best one I get, by far. It's very inspiring..."

-Matt Heffernen, Ireland

"We have really benefited from the CD on Quitting Smoking...my husband said it was the best he's heard. He smoked over 40 years and has done *everything* to try to quit. ...he hasn't had a cigarette in 5 months."

-Flo Clark, Texas

More I AM Smoke-Free Now! Successes
And What All This Really Means...

As your smoking habit reduces and goes away using I Am Smoke-Free Now!, you can look forward to these benefits:

  • Instead of smelling like an ashtray or a factory smokestack, you'll lose that toxic, smoky aroma and begin to smell nice again.

    Your breath will smell better. Your clothes will smell great. And those yellow stained fingernails will now become healthy and pink again.

  • Many of our clients say that after trying and failing to quit smoking for years and decades, they feel horrible about themselves. And part of the reason for I Am Smoke-Free Now's success is that it helps increase self-esteem while it increases your determination to stay smoke-free.

  • It's never too late to quit smoking, even if you've smoked for 20, 30 or more years. The moment you quit, all the systems and cells in your body will begin to purge the toxins and waste built up from all those years of smoking. Your lungs will clear out. All the damage done to your vital organs, including your heart and your brain, will begin to stop and reverse, moving in the direction of good health.

  • Many diseases flourish only when there is an environment toxic enough for them to survive. As you slow down and quit your smoking habit, your body will begin to cleanse and detoxify, taking away a "disease-friendly" environment. So, I Am Smoke-Free Now! can help decrease the likelihood that you will be a victim of any smoking-related diseases.
Note: As you can see, this is not some ridiculous subliminal audio program quickly assembled with words "hidden" underneath some music or ocean waves, making it impossible to determine whether there are any words at all under the music/waves. Every statement is audible (you can hear them). So you know exactly what is going into your mind.
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What would you do?

If someone asked you to give them $20 and you would receive $1,300 in return, would you do it? There's hardly anyone alive that wouldn't.

Take note: Cigarettes cost a minimum of $3.50 per pack if purchased by the carton (and if you buy them buy the pack, it's over $4.00).

Even if you "only" smoke one pack per day, that's over $1,300 per year spent on a habit that is doing nothing but killing you.

Think about it. What could you do with an extra $1,300 per year?

Take a vacation? Put a down payment on a new car? Put money toward the kids' education?

Isn't it worth a one time $30 investment to get a guaranteed minimum return of over 5200% in cold hard cash?

Cost per pack Yearly 10 Years
$15.00 - $30.00/Carton $1,300+ $13,000+
I AM Smoke Free Now! Yearly 10 Years
$29.97 - $34.97 0 0
And that doesn't even take into consideration the medical costs as well as the physical pain and suffering that smoking can cause!

"I recently purchased your smoking cessation tape and think it's great. I have just about completely stopped after smoking for 35 years. Thanks!"

- Kent Orrell, Louisiana

More I AM Smoke-Free Now! Successes
... You have so much to gain!

Many of our clients tell us that as they reduced the amount they smoked, their energy levels jumped dramatically.

Now, as someone who's probably smoked for years, it may be hard for you to remember what it felt like to have a great deal of energy. But if you can just pull this off and stop this one habit, there's no telling in what direction the increased energy you have and the increased confidence that you'll gain will take you.

You hear all the stories from people who've stopped smoking, about how much better they feel.

They're are no smarter than you.

No better than you.

So if they can do it, you can too.

It's all in your mind. Let I Am Smoke-Free Now! can take the anxiety, the uncertainty and the fear out of quitting smoking. Now it's up to you.

Take full advantage of our guarantee…

You have absolutely nothing to lose except a habit that is killing you.

Choose life and choose health.

Both you and the people in your life will be happy you did.

And best of all...
You Can Try It Risk-Free For 6 Months!

Yes, I Am Smoke-Free Now! is backed by a 100% Ironclad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee.

That means, you have 6 months to listen to the program as much as you like... or as much as you need. And if you are not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all, simply return the program within 6 months and you will receive a full refund of the purchase price. There will be no questions asked and no hassles. Your decision to try this program is 100% risk free.

Listen: If you order now, today, I'm confident in just a few days you'll be on your way to joining the ranks of the non-smokers... automatically and without effort. All you have to do is click on the link below that indicates the format you want, and I'll rush I Am Smoke-Free Now! to you immediately!

Mike Brescia

Mike Brescia
Chief of Research
Think Right Now International

P.S. By the way, in the opening of the letter I mentioned that you can think and feel about smoking just like a lifelong non-smoker, and enjoy all the tremendous physical benefits of quitting smoking...And that's absolutely true. Even as few as five or ten minutes a day will make an impact. However, like anything, the more you do it (listen) the faster you will improve. And with I Am Smoke-Free Now! (like all our programs), it's quite easy to listen for hours a day, if you want. The reason being: You don't have to pay attention to what's being said for it to work. You can listen in the car, while exercising, or while doing just about any other activity... you can even listen while you sleep! So there's absolutely no reason why you can't find the time to improve. And remember, it's effortless. Just pop a CD in, relax, and let it do all the work!

P.P.S. We are committed to serving our customers as quickly as possible. So, if you place your order before 8 a.m., it will be shipped to you the very same day! If you place your order after 8 a.m., it will be shipped to you the very next business day.

Orders placed by 11:00 AM EST ship the same day!
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"I somehow magically seem to forget to smoke."
"To make a long story short: Your "I Am Smoke Free Now!" program is great. It turned an addict like my mother who smoked 1 - 2 packs a day for more than 30 years into a happier woman who did not have to battle her smoking habit the hard way, but who says, "I just listen to the program, and somehow I do not want to smoke any more."

The rest of this and other success stories with I Am Smoke-Free Now!

"The interesting thing is that I have an amazing peace of mind. No quitter's anxiety or tearful episodes. Just the opposite, it's like smoking and the addiction to it has been removed from my mind."
"I had tried to quit smoking consistently for the last 6 or 7 years. I would chew the gum or a straw, etc. and the longest time period I quit for was nine months. Now in four days I have managed to cut back from more than a pack a day to only 4 or 5 all day long. Funny thing even those four or five are not enjoyable. As a matter of fact I've found myself stopping half way through and going to brush my teeth. No gum ever did that! I am at peace."

The rest of this and other success stories with I Am Smoke-Free Now!

"I am 52 and stopped smoking after 35 years as a direct result of your programme. I previously tried all ways to stop smoking: acupuncture, patches, gum, etc., but nothing seemed to work."
"I was very impressed with your programmes, particularly "I Am Smoke Free Now!", and it has totally changed my life. I had my last cigarette on 14th November, 2002 and can go into pubs, bars and houses where there are smokers and not want one. I have not replaced the nicotine with anything else."

The rest of this and other success stories with I Am Smoke-Free Now!

"I have become a
non-smoker using only the
"I Am Smoke Free Now!" program."
"I've been surprised that quitting smoking was much easier than I thought it would be. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to quit smoking without suffering from withdrawals or cravings."

The rest of this and other success stories with I Am Smoke-Free Now!

"I thank you for giving me
my life back."
"I have been trying to quit smoking for the last 11 years. I tried the patch, the gum, hypnotism, ball bearings in my ears as well as acupuncture and other related smoke free in 30 days or less "guaranteed" to work material. Not one of these has helped me. I have listened to your program every night for a month and am very proud to say I AM A NON-SMOKER."

The rest of this and other success stories with I Am Smoke-Free Now!


"It has been totally stress free."

I have quit smoking!!!!! I have quit many times before but this time is different. I KNOW I HAVE QUIT FOR GOOD."

The rest of this and other success stories with I Am Smoke-Free Now!

Free Life Transformation Kit!
(Bonus: Rapid Success E-Letter)



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