There really is no debate...
The skill that means as much to your success and happiness in life as any other is your ability to get along with people and influence them to your way of thinking.
Win Friends & Influence People Now! is not about just helping you get along with people...
It is designed to make you so likable that people will feel drawn to you as if by a magnet. Yes, even you. It's not voodoo. It's simple mental training that will compel you to feel about other people the same way the most dynamic, persuasive people in the world feel. This will give you the ability and desire to do and say the things that will make you as well-liked and influential as you want to be.
The old cliché, "It's not what you know, it's who you know" isn't true all the time, but it's true often enough, isn't it?
You could be the smartest person around... You could have the most experience, the best resume, be more qualified... You could be the best looking, be dressed in the nicest clothes, have the coolest car...
But those things don't matter when it comes to social interactions and close relationships.
We buy products from people we like and trust.
We're friends with people we like.
We'll go "over and above" for people we like.
We give jobs to our friends and even our friend's friends.
It's true. If you are competing for a job, for example, you could be motivated, confident, see yourself succeeding, know your purpose... oh, you could have the best resume'...
...but because of some dirty rotten *+$%#@! who was more persuasive than you or knew someone who could help them, your dream job went to them.
If you had only been able to get the other person on your side. If you could have gotten them to like you more. If you could have just sold yourself better, you would have succeeded.
How many times in your life have you found yourself in a real pickle because of just one thing you said or did (or didn't do)? Just one little thing! Or worse, you had no idea why things didn't work out with someone?
Tell me...
- Is meeting new people about as much fun as going to the dentist?
- Have you ever scratched your head, puzzled at how the man or woman of your dreams could have chosen that blithering idiot over you?
- How many awkward dates have you been on where you just couldn't connect with the other person, no matter how hard you tried?
- Do you shake inside during job interviews... or even at the checkout line?
- Do you feel invisible at parties or other social gatherings? Do you wish you were?
- Do your co-workers/employees conveniently forget to invite you out with the group? And worse, do you not really give a darn that they don't?
- Do you often get angry with other people?
- Do people often get angry with you?
If you answered yes to some of these questions, you are losing in situations where you could routinely win. And it's costing you big.
These and hundreds of other social situations no longer have to work against you.
Fortunately this isn't the 1400s. It's the 21st century and the science of human relations is exactly that... a science. It's been studied for hundreds of years. Dale Carnegie's book, the 15 million copy best-seller, How To Win Friends & Influence People was first published in 1937, nearly 70 years ago. Since then, hundreds of other books and courses have also been published on the subject of winning friends and being more persuasive.
So when it comes to being more successful in life through better social skills, there are no secrets any more. There are no mysteries.
Little more, if anything, can be discovered about the art of winning friends and influencing people... Because we are all still attracted to the same qualities in other people as people were 300 years ago and 1,000 years ago.
But as loaded with information as a book or seminar may be, just reading or going to a once a week class even for a few months can not and will not ever truly imbed top social and persuasion skills into your mind, your heart or your soul. They cannot change your "knee-jerk" reactions in social situations.
It will never be automatic without conditioning.
Sorry, but only doing it that way will require years of hard work and heartache.
To create the Accelerated Success Conditioning Program, Win Friends & Influence People Now!, we researched the topic of human relations for months from top to bottom so that you could stop making the people mistakes that are costing you in untold ways.
So what kind of attitudes and behaviors creates enemies or just makes it difficult or impossible to create a lot of friendships and/or makes it difficult to persuade other people to your way of thinking?
A few of the major ones are found below...
- Losing your temper/yelling at others
- Holding grudges/not forgiving people for their mistakes and actions
- Betraying confidences/telling secrets/gossiping
- Sour puss/ frowning
- Dishonesty, lying, making up stories (about others or to cover your own tracks)
- Not liking other people - when you don't like someone, they know it
- Vengeance/revenge - getting even
- Inability to accept criticism/corrective feedback without getting upset/ angry/ depressed
- Can't/won't admit mistakes - denials
- Escalate small disagreements into wars
- Intentionally hurt/take advantage of people for selfish means
- Pick on/tease/make fun of the faults/weaknesses of others
- Look for anything to dislike about others/ judging/ prejudice
- Ignoring someone when there is a conflict
- Sarcasm
- Cheating/stealing
- Failing to notice/ appreciate/ compliment people for good work/favors/ thoughtfulness/ appearance
- Not trusting/ micromanaging
- Continual complaining about people/situations
- Bragging/boasting
- Lack of willingness to compromise/ must win and/or demoralize others
- Reprimand/offer critique in public
- Envious/jealous of others for accomplishments/possessions
- These characteristics and habits make other people cringe.
- They cause people to not want to be around you.
- They make others not trust you.
- They make keeping employees difficult and make steady employment or career advancement a far off dream.
- They kill friendships and destroy budding romance.
- They make people hate you.
And these negative effects can happen in an instant...
But truly the saddest of these preventable tragedies is when someone ruins a relationship or misses out on some or many opportunities because of not following the proven human relations principles, and they don't have a clue about what they did to cause it.
They deny the problem.
They blame others.
They justify the behaviors that created the problem.
It does not have to be this way any more.
Everyone who is out there actually living in this modern world has incredible pressures placed on them every day. And regardless of those stresses, the nicest, most pleasant, friendliest, most influential people hardly ever allow those pressures to negatively affect what they say to others, how they treat people or how they think of others.
That is why they are universally loved by all who know them.
That is why they get their way so often.
Those are the people (and the research about them) we studied to develop the Win Friends & Influence People Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program.
We completely dissected every attitude and belief as it pertained to other people, personal and business relationships, manners, you name it.
It's nothing that can't be read about in a dozen well-chosen books, but a book or even a long course can't install the attitudes and behaviors into your consciousness and force the right thoughts and behaviors like this program can.
Win Friends & Influence People Now! will positively affect every thought and action you take where other people are involved.
Win Friends & Influence People Now! is not a how-to manual. It's a behavior modification audio program that quickly and easily installs the minute-by-minute thoughts and core beliefs (as they relate to relationships and social interactions) of the most engaging, likable and persuasive people who ever lived.
So if you want your relationships and social interactions to help enhance your experience of life instead of them causing you your greatest angst, then using the proven Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning technology found in Win Friends & Influence People Now! could be a super smart move.