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Your Sleepless Nights
are Finally Over!

The Fastest, Healthiest,
and EASIEST Way to a Refreshing Night’s Sleep…

No drugs, herbal blends or
expensive mattresses required!


  • The Best Way to get the blissful night’s sleep you crave -- naturally.
    [click here]

  • 107 Free Bonus Gifts from renowned authors and experts around the world.
    [click here]

Tranquil Sleep Now!
The Latest Breakthrough Accelerated Success Conditioning Program from Mike Brescia and Think Right Now International


Mike Brescia Developer of Tranquil Sleep Now!

Think about it…


How can you feel energized when your body is exhausted from the night before?


How can you feel upbeat and productive when your brain doesn’t recharge during the night?


How can you look good and stay fit when you’re too tired to even think of being active?


The answer? You can’t. If you’re one of the millions of people who struggle to get a good night’s sleep, you know only too well how lousy it makes you feel. It siphons your energy and makes you feel like you’re running on empty – with no end in sight.


Tranquil Sleep Now! helps your mind click on the slumber the minute your head hits the pillow. It seems incredible that you will sleep like a rock easily and through the night without drugs – and no matter what’s going on in your life. But you will. Finally, you’ll be able to …

  • Fall asleep whenever you want and wherever you want
  • Naturally awake when you want to…feeling refreshed and ready to face the day
  • Fall asleep faster – within 15 minutes or less
  • Completely shut out racing thoughts that wake you up during the night
  • Experience unstoppable energy that lasts all day long
  • Enjoy wonderful, encouraging dreams
  • Stop the bad diet habits that get in your way of a restful night’s sleep
  • Put an end to ‘brain fog’ and start thinking clearly again
  • Eliminate the need for caffeine and energy drinks to get you through the day
  • Stop suffering from mood swings and feel enthusiastic about life again
  • Never doubt your ability to sleep through the entire night
  • At long last –feel rejuvenated and revitalized about what tomorrow will bring


Take a Look at These Extraordinary Success Stories:

Phenomenal results!
“Just one night's use and I got phenomenal results! I just got it yesterday, used it last night and slept through, woke up before the alarm, bounced out of bed and am feeling so positive and refreshed. What can I say but to echo you, the mind is very powerful. A million thanks for helping me harness this power and use it to my advantage .”

– Virginia Baker, CA

No more tossing and turning!
“I am now able to not only fall asleep quickly, but typically sleep through the night, and often times I wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off without the groggy feeling from the drugs. In the event I am awakening in the middle of the night, I easily return to my slumber with no tossing and turning or anxiety. What a great feeling that is! Thank you Mike.”

- Vince Venolia, CA

Nightmares Eliminated!
My dreams are invariably of being in a strange house and having great mounds of dirty laundry waiting for me, and more is being piled even as I take one pitiful load and put it in the washing machine. I wake up more tired than when I went to bed. After only a few times of listening to Tranquil Sleep Now the dreams are gone…they've been replaced with restful and peaceful sleep, and I thank you from the bottom of a grateful heart.”

- Mary Sides, AZ


Request your copy of Tranquil Sleep Now today from Think Right Now International and receive all 107 BONUS GIFTS listed below for FREE!

Just follow these two easy steps:

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for the discounted price of
$31.47 by clicking here.
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Sleeping Pill Makers Can’t Make These Promises…

Sleeping pills should be a last resort. Instead people are eating them up like candy!

According to the New York Times, 42 million sleeping pill prescriptions were filled in 2006, up nearly 60% since 2000. And pill makers spent over 600 million dollars to bombard you with commercials and advertisements around the clock.

Our newest Think Right Now Accelerated Conditioning Program Tranquil Sleep Now does what no other sleep aid in the world does: it addresses the root causes of your sleeplessness, instead of making you comatose with drugs or herbal concoctions.

You see, scientific research shows that most problems getting to sleep, staying asleep, or falling back to sleep are rooted in the negative thoughts, habits and beliefs we allow to spill over into our sleep time. That includes the emotional triggers behind the mental chatter that gets you all "wired up" and your willingness to take on the weight of the world as you lie in bed staring at the ceiling....

As well as any unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits -- like overindulging in alcohol, caffeine, smoking, even processed foods -- all designed to flood your body with chemicals that cause you to toss and turn in frustration night after night, with no end in sight.

"Tranquil Sleep Now" uses proven behavior modification techniques to literally short-circuit the automatic mental patterns that stop you from sleeping. It trains your mind to automatically set aside the worries at bedtime so that you don't feel the weight of the world when your head hits the pillow.

It helps rewire your eating habits, so you don't crave the foods and drinks that sabotage your sleep efforts.

It even works to prevent the fear of NOT falling asleep from creeping into your thoughts.

Through repetitive conditioning, it installs fresh new, positive patterns -- the same ones as the people who drift off to sleep without a hitch and wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Best of all, you don't "think" your way to these new beliefs and habits, they emerge in you automatically.

Even if you've struggled with sleep problems for years or even decades, "Tranquil Sleep Now" can help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep through the night without the tossing and turning. Accelerated Learning makes it possible.

And it's also the reason why "Tranquil Sleep Now" beat sleeping pills at their own game.

Experience it for yourself! Click here to request your copy now and receive all 107 bonus gifts listed below for free.

"Tranquil Sleep Now!" can make you insomnia-proof!

More Remarkable Success Stories…

Worked from the First Night!
I ordered your “Tranquil Sleep Now” because I had just started a new and very stressful job. From night one it has worked so well for me. I have never made it thru the entire CD without falling asleep. If I wake up in the middle of the night I just hit play again and in 5 minutes I'm back asleep. In the past I would have stayed awake reliving my day, my fears and worries. Somehow this CD blocks that process and you just fall back to sleep. All I can say is thanks!

– Patricia Adams

Never slept better!
I started using “Tranquil Sleep Now” 2 weeks ago and I have never slept better in all my life. I use to be up at night for hours with crazy thoughts running through my head preventing me from sleeping. Since I have been using Tranquil Sleep Now I have been falling asleep much quicker and staying asleep through the night. This program really works great. Thanks for all your help.

– Ed Stocklis

Adjusts to jet lag faster!
I am a flight instructor and over the course of a normal week my schedule moves around. As I have gotten older every time my schedule shifts I was spending multiple days adjusting. After just a few days of listening to your Tranquil Sleep Now! program when going to bed I was sleeping more soundly and adjusting to schedule changes faster. The program has strengthened my belief in your products and I am continuing to use it.

- Mike Volckmann


Fell asleep fast and stayed asleep!
I have always had trouble sleeping most of my adult life. I would lie in bed for 2 to 3 hours every night prior to falling asleep and many nights would awaken after sleeping only 3 hours. I put in the Tranquil Sleep Now CD - the first night and I really was fighting it because it was contrary to what my mind had been trained to do. I kept on listening every night and within a week I was falling asleep within like 10 minutes and sleeping all night. Thank you so much for this wonderful program.

- Kevin Johnson


“It’s Absolutely Heavenly".
I used to wake up many times during the night, usually waking up after 1 or 2 hours of sleep. Sometimes I could go back to sleep fairly quickly, other times I would lay there awake for several hours. In the mornings I would be exhausted; but, kept going as usual. Now, even if I only get a few hours of sleep a night I am refreshed, relaxed, less stressed, have more energy and ready to hit the day to handle whatever comes my direction. This CD will go with me wherever I am going (at home, on vacation, etc.). Keep up the GREAT work!!

- Betty Perkowski

Receive These 107 Bonuses FREE!

Order Mike Brescia's Accelerated Success Conditioning
Program, 'Tranquil Sleep Now!' for just $34.97 and
receive the 107 FREE bonus gifts below.

Mike Brescia  

Bonus #1

Mike Brescia 

Bonus #2


Mike Brescia23 Simple Secrets to a Perfect Night's Sleep -- Every Night

If you struggle to get a good night's sleep, you know how important it is to get a good night's sleep.  You know how logy you feel and how foggy your brain can get when you don't get enough sleep. 

Here are 23 simple, proven ways to help you fall asleep faster, and stay asleep through the night without tossing and turning.  Developed by Mike Brescia and the research team at Think Right Now! International, these proven strategies are easy to follow and will help you enjoy a lifetime of sound, peaceful sleep. Even if you've struggled with sleep problems for years or even decades, follow the advice in this guide and you are guaranteed to fall asleep faster, sleep more soundly, and wake up each day refreshed and well rested - without drugs!

Retail Value: $12.95


Mike BresciaToday Is Your Day To Win

Today Is Your Day to Win eBook is like no other book on success and achievement you’ve ever owned. More than mere information, each of the 99 daily Fast Sessions is an inspiring kick in the back side to keep in your mind on what is truly important, and a forceful call to take action. You’re holding in your hands the master works of Mike Brescia, the developer of the world renowned Think Right Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Programs and one of the most inspiring motivators alive today. Today Is Your Day to Win will help you mine the gold between your ears and ensure that you achieve what you are truly capable of…

Retail Value: $23.95

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Yours Free

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Julie Christiansen 

Bonus #3

John Harricharan 

Bonus #4


Julie ChristiansenSpecial Report - Catch Some Zzzzzs.

Sleep deprivation can have serious effects on one’s health in the form of physical and mental impairments. Inadequate rest can impair your ability to think, to handle stress, to maintain a healthy immune system and to control and appropriately express emotions. Sleep is so important to our overall health that total sleep deprivation can prove fatal!  In this special report, you will learn the consequences that accompany poor sleep habits. The report contains 10 practical and easy-to-incorporate strategies to help you fall asleep and stay asleep so that you can achieve and maintain optimum health.

Retail Value: $9.97


John Harricharan"Intuition -- A Special Report."

"John Harricharan, award-winning author of the
bestseller, “When You Can Walk on Water, Take the Boat” has written an amazing document called, "Intuition -- A Special Report."  It is a concise, clear, step by step
approach to learning how to tap into and use your intuition. This special report is highly recommended for anyone interested in finding out how to use the natural gift of intuition to increase prosperity and joy in their lives."

Retail Value: $39

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Yours Free

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Beth Banning 

Bonus #5

Cindy Fisher      

Bonus #6


Beth BanningFeel Better Now

Here's a natural and effective way to relieve the stress in your life. Get this 70-page program that's designed to get you on track reducing stress and keep you creating more of what you want in your life.
Follow along as Beth and Neill walk you through 30 days of support, helping you to focus your life in the directions you choose. In this instructional eBook you'll learn new behaviors that reduce stress and bring more happiness into your life - right away.

Retail Value: $39


Cindy Fisher Deep Muscle Relaxation

Do you have pain, tension, anxiety, stress or trouble sleeping? Then take a well deserved break in your day and listen to the bonus gift of “The Cocoon” included here from the Learn To Relax 2 – Deep Muscle Relaxation CD.

Retail Value: $17.95

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Ben Lo

Bonus #7

Gregory Anne Cox

Bonus #8


Cristin StolfoJourney To Wellness and Your Road Map To Health in Just Minutes A day

Enjoy a 9 minute audio excerpt from the 2 CD set Your Journey To Wellness
with Dr. Ben (2 CD set is normally $47). This specially prepared excerpt specifically addresses: "What Is Wellness?" The best way to approach "MD's" and their advice on your health.

Retail Value: $64.00


Gregory Anne CoxThe 15 Best Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Websites for Smart Women

This report has lined up the best sites that offer sound information on women’s health, prescriptions and supplements at discounts, information on hormone replacement, audio tools that work to reprogram your negative and limiting thinking, including a site with specialty products for woman “of a certain age.” The Bonus of the Bonus—inside this report is an offer to receive another report that will shake up your morning food program and free you from the bondage of cereal and egg whites.
Best of all, you’ll be subscribed to my monthly newsletter, The You Revolution—a $59 value!

Retail Value: $99

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Yours Free

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Liz Copeland

Bonus #9

Adriane Berg 

Bonus #10


Liz CopelandLive Your Best Life

With busy lives it’s easy to get out of balance, eating too much, resting too little, frantically trying to play catch up and feeling tired all the time. If this describes you, get your life back into balance by following a few simple steps. Liz Copeland, Nutrition & Health Coach, shows busy people how to eat well, look good and feel great. Her Live Your Best Life Guide will show you how a few simple steps can re-balance your life for a healthier, happier you, so you can live your best life!

Retail Value: $29


Adriane BergThink Yourself Young

This bonus is an exercise tool that I created so you can “think yourself young.” It turns back the clock in just 15 minutes and leaves you joyful, happy and energized. I have used this exercise with high-level executives, professionals, and at senior centers. It works for everyone.

Retail Value: $59.95

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Yours Free

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Yuri Elkaim

Bonus #11

Curt Graham

Bonus #12


Yuri ElkaimFat Loss Manual 

Your Definitive Guide to Losing Stubborn Weight, Burning Fat, and Ensuring that YOU Achieve the Body YOU Want…Without Dieting, Pills, or Deprivation!
Discover the exericse, nutrition, and motivation strategies to help you burn fat for good.  Written by world-renowned fitness, nutrition, and fat loss expert Yuri Elkaim.

Retail Value: $150


Curt GrahamHow To Easily Control Your Weight Loss

Sick of dieting programs that don't work?  Fed up with losing weight and gaining
all the weight right back again?  All weight loss programs, diet books, fitness programs for
losing weight, and "food by mail" tactics are based on one scientifically proven fact---
calories in = calories out.  Learning the "habit pattern" of counting calories is easy, can be
used anywhere, anytime, and by anybody.......and is free.

Retail Value: $200

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Yours Free

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Scott Gauthier 

Bonus #13

Baerbel Froehlin

Bonus #14


Scott GauthierLetting Your Body Go

Releasing Pent-Up Energy From the Body. This article will walk you through a step by step process on how to release tension from your body allowing it to relax and let go. Written by Scott Gauthier MS, who has over 25 years of experience in working with the body to bring about vibrant health and well being.

Retail Value: $12.95


Baerbel FroehlinGuided Meditation: "Wisdom" 

Baerbel Froehlin, CEO of Smooth Changes Therapies, certified Hypnotherapist and EFT ADV practitioner, is a Self-Empowerment therapist, specializing in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) which include tapping on acupressure points while addressing certain emotional or physical issues. Baerbel teaches her formula to her clients all over the world in phone sessions, in Teleclasses or group sessions. 

Retail Value: $25

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Yours Free

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Steph Martel

Bonus #15

Lisa Hepner

Bonus #16


Cristin StolfoBack To Basics

Have you ever wanted to change your lifestyle habits, but didn't know where to start?  This ebook helps identify some of the pitfalls that often keep us in that diet and lifestyle merry-go-round, and it offers healthy solutions to break that vicious cycle.  Not everyone can afford a personal trainer and chef but you can afford this great guide to getting you back on track!

Retail Value: $15.00


Lisa HepnerMeditation Challenge

Take the Meditation Challenge: A one hour audio on how to develop the habit of meditation.  Includes a
free ebook on our 21 day program as well. 

Retail Value: $39.95

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Yours Free

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Kathy Atkinson 

Bonus #17

Michelle Trantina

Bonus #18


Kathy AtkinsonEFT Session for Stress & Anxiety Relief 

Stress, Tension and Anxiety can rob you of your health and well-being, and contribute to your sleep problems. Treating anxiety and sleep disorders with medication can have negative side effects. Download your free gift today and learn a simple and effective acupressure technique that helps you relax quickly and naturally so you can get to sleep and stay asleep. Value $19

Retail Value: $19


Michelle Trantina Two Week Yoga Online Membership

My Yoga Online is the premium yoga videos streaming site on the internet. Offering the best Yoga Classes, Pilates Exercises, and Meditation Practices on demand anytime, anywhere in DVD quality with top teachers. We are offering a Two Week Unlimited Membership with no obligation to access our large and always growing library of wellness videos anytime, anywhere.

Retail Value: $5

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Yours Free

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Carolyn Cleaves

Bonus #19

Wanita Bahnsen 

Bonus #20


Carolyn Cleaves3 Step Wrinkle Release

Just as you can firm up your body with exercise, you can also firm up your face and neck. Used in conjunction with Carolyn's Facial Fitness – Facelift Through Exercise program, you can also literally rub the wrinkles out of your face with the 3-step Wrinkle Release Technique that you can download here. It's color photo-illustrated so you can see exactly how it's done! As you can build muscle fiber, lift up those cheeks and jowls and open up your eyes with facial exercises, you can also erase all the lines in your face starting with this proven technique.

Retail Value: $19.95


Wanita Bahnsen "Relax" Hypnosis Download

'Relax' Hypnosis Download. In only 10 minutes, ‘Relax’ deeply with this Hypnosis MP3 Audio by Wanita Bahnsen. An essential item to have in your library of self empowerment tools. Ten minutes of bliss and ‘time-out’ to relax and refresh your mind and body. Quick, easy and so beneficial to your health and wellbeing.  

Retail Value: $27

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Yours Free

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Yvette Eastman 

Bonus #21

Diane Cesa

Bonus #22


Yvette Eastman The Chakras on the Feet Manual

The Chakra Reflexology experience, a new way to enrich your Reflexology session, improves health, and is a unique way of working with your energy system while staying grounded, and enhancing your daily life. Chakras, the energy centres within you, deal with all of the parameters of living. They are responsible for your interpersonal relationships, your communication, your inspiration and your aspirations. They deal with love, anger, empathy, cellular and cultural memory, passion, and so much more. This manual will assist you in your personal discovery as well as being a guide to working with clients.

Retail Value: $68.90


Diane CesaWake Up

Wake Up! A Simple Yoga-Inspired Approach to Awakening to Your Possibilities. Are you ready to wake up to life and to the endless possibilities that surround you? Are you tired of feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, anxious, discontented, and on auto-pilot? It's time you take back your life by waking up.

Retail Value: $29

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Joanne Roibu  

Bonus #23

David Riklan 

Bonus #24


Joanne Roibu Guided Meditation

A 35 min meditation on Forgiveness guided by Joanne Roibu.

Anger, pain and resentment toward another or towards yourself stifle the achievement of your desires and goals.  Forgiving yourself and others does not mean condoning the actions. Forgiving means releasing yourself from the negative energetic hold that the particular incident has on you and on others.  It is an essential step in your personal growth and development and in securing the results and achievements you desire.

Retail Value: $19.95


.The Top 501 Inspirational Quotes of All Time

I know what you are thinking. Yet another Inspirational Quote resource. This ebook is ABSOLUTELY different. We started with a list of over 10,000 Inspirational Quotes. We ranked this complete list in order based on a
UNIQUE Point System.

Over 5 Million websites were searched to determine how frequently each quote came up on the internet. Each time a quote was found on a separate website, it received a point. This book contains the 501 most popular Inspirational Quotes on the web.

Retail Value: $14

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Yours Free

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Paul Becker

Bonus #25

Kevin Hogan

Bonus #26


Cristin StolfoTruly Huge - Training Journal & How to Gain Muscle

Keeping a record of what you do and how you do it is vital to bodybuilding success. If you keep track of what you've done in the past, it will be easier for you to see what works for you. You can then repeat these actions to insure your future success. You can download this Free Workout Log / Training Journal and make as many copies of this as you like (for your personal use only, of course).

Retail Value: $54.00


Kevin HoganConfidence and Power. CD on audio file so you can listen to it today. This is Kevin Hogan on a full-length program that has the cutting edge material you need to build self confidence in yourself and others, NOW! ($97)

Retail Value: $97

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Remez Sasson

Bonus #27

Susan Gregg

Bonus #28


Remez SassonWill Power and Self Discipline

One free chapter from the book "Will Power and Self Discipline", which
is a complete training program, with techniques and exercises, for
developing will power and self discipline.

Retail Value: $15.00


Susan GreggMediation Made Easy

Mediation Made Easy by Dr. Susan Gregg. Learn how to use very simple
meditation techniques to improve the quality of your life. Susan is the author of eight books including the Complete Idiot's Guide to Short
Meditations. By the end of these two classes she will have you meditating like a pro

Retail Value: $50

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Yours Free

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H. Picken and C. Weinern

Bonus #29

Shun Jian

Bonus #30


H. Picken and C.WeinernCreating and Manifesting Wealth

  • How do I attract financial freedom?
  • Learn the missing keys that are holding you back from attracting $100,000,000.
  • How to determine your values in order to create more money.
  • If I can't work due to physical challenges, can I still attract money into my life?
  • Learn to unleash the POWER of letting go and how to create an abundance of wealth in your life.
  • Learn how to change your energy level INSTANTLY to create more wealth.

Retail Value: $27


Shun Jian101 Powerful Affirmations

"Do you desire to overcome fear, build your self-confidence & develop an abundance mind-set?  "101 Powerful Affirmations You Can Start Using Today!" is a set of amazingly effective affirmations that will help you to easily activate the Law of Attraction so as to bring everything you've always wanted into your life and more...

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Joe Rubino

Bonus #31

Ian Rowatt

Bonus #32


Joe RubinoSeven Steps To Soaring Self-Esteem

7 Steps to Soaring Self-Esteem is the insightful, eye-opening audio program based on the internationally best-selling book, “The Self-Esteem Book: The Ultimate Guide to Boost the Most Underrated Ingredient for Success and Happiness.

Retail Value: $129


Ian RowattTravellers Checklist

Be kind to yourself! RELAX when you’re away… whether it's out of town or out of the country… whether it's for just days, a few weeks or even months. Use FOZI’s 110 Item Traveller’s Checklist.  Start using it early. Some things CAN'T BE DONE on the last day. It covers all the important things. Use the handy ‘tickboxes’ to make sure you’ve covered all the bases as you go – home stuff, personal, family, medical, utilities, garbage, neighbours, bills, fun/gadgets to take with you.

Retail Value: $19.99

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Chris Cade 

Bonus #33

Eva Gregory

Bonus #34


Chris Cade25 Must-See Spiritual Movies

Discover 25 of the most profound spiritual movies of all time.  These movies are guaranteed to enlighten, inspire, and entertain you and your loved ones.

Retail Value: $17



Now you can join thousands of others who have taken the steps toward creating more success in their lives.

How committed are you to making your dreams a reality today? What would it be worth to you to be on your way to actualizing your dreams within the next 90 days?

Retail Value: $695

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Tina Ferguson

Bonus #35

Jeanna Gabellini

Bonus #36


Tina Ferguson Quintessential Guide

Feel like you have no idea how to get what you want? Looking for the information that will make it all come together? This little book might just be the missing piece - The Queen of Dreams Quintessential Guide to Living the Life of Your Dreams by Tina Ferguson is a crash course in making life juicer and richer.

Retail Value: $25


Jeanna GabelliniThe Art of Practice

This is a bold instruction program created to get you on track and keep you on track.  To accomplish new long-term results, you must 
first be conscious of your current practices that have gotten you where you are.  Then you MUST effectively interrupt the practices  that distract you from the progress you desire.

Retail Value: $19.95

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Yours Free

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Donald Gordon Carty

Bonus #37

Marie Barrett

Bonus #38


Shun JianAchieve Your Goals Now 

Donald Gordon Carty, founder of the Personal Development Institute, is a man on a mission; to awaken people to a new way of thinking about what it is to be human and what it takes to make life and work more rewarding and fulfilling. Your ebook; “Achieve Your Goals” – The Complete Goal Management System.

Retail Value: $20.00


Marie BarrettGratitude

Discover the awesome power of Gratitude. When your heart shows appreciation for everything that shows up in your life, you open the doors to joy, love and happiness. This small treatise explores the heights and depths of Gratitude. The more you can be grateful for the things in your life today, the more you will have to be grateful for tomorrow.

Retail Value: $19.95

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Dyan Garris

Bonus #39

John Seeley

Bonus #40


Dyan GarrisThree Tranquil Songs: Songs - Patterns - Moment by Moment - Healing Journey 

Three guided "journeys" from the series of music and meditation CDs for Automatic Chakra Balance,™ relaxation, help in sleeping, and vibrational attunement of mind, body, and spirit by Dyan Garris.  CDs in Dyan's Spiritual Toolbox™ include: A Healing Journey-The Voice of the Angels, Moment by Moment, Reflection, Patterns, Illusions, Connections, Release. Each clears and balances the chakras. Each "journey" is for a specific purpose.  Each consists of several tracks of meditative music plus a guided fantasy.  Release is 11 tracks of relaxation music.  This bonus includes: A Healing Journey Guided Fantasy, Moment by Moment Meditation, and Patterns Meditation for Overcoming Obstacles.

Retail Value: $12.95


John SeeleyGet Unstuck

Break Loose & Begin Living The Life You Really Want!
Are you feeling stuck? Do you sometimes feel like you are stumbling along in the dark... Or searching for something that you just haven't quite created in your life? Is there something that seems to be out of reach? What’s keeping you stuck?
“Get Unstuck! Is a great reference for anyone looking to free themselves from the obstacles in their lives.”. --Deepak Chopra M.D. Author, How to Know God

Retail Value: $7.95

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Michael Clouse

Bonus #41

Ken Varga

Bonus #42


Michael ClouseSeven Prospecting Secrets

What if it’s true? What if there really were a series of simple, easily teachable, and very duplicatable techniques you could learn to quickly build your Network Marketing Empire? A well-defined system so powerful, that if applied, it would literally create a never-ending source of new prospects for you to talk to...

Retail Value: $12


Ken VargaFinding Your Mission

Finding Your Mission and Rejoicing In It guides you through the steps to finding your mission and plotting a course to achieve it.  The two MP3 recordings that come along with the book allow you to close your eyes, relax, and be guided to discovering your mission.

When you know your mission, you jump out of bed each morning excited to engage life, and your acts are filled with purpose and passion.

Begin your journey of discovering your mission by downloading a copy of this book and its two accompanying recordings today.

Retail Value: $47

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Michelle May

Bonus #43

Margie Garrison

Bonus #44


Michael MayAm I Hungry

Am I Hungry?® is a mindful eating program developed by Michelle May, MD. Learn how to tune into your body and reach your natural weight without pills, gimmicks, deprivation, or guilt.
Read Am I Hungry? Chapter 1 and learn how you can:

  • Eat your favorite foods like your thin friends without gaining weight
  • Stop counting calories, carbs or fat
  • Never use exercise to earn the right to eat
  • Feel energetic and in charge
  • Love the way you look and feel
  • Never ever diet again.

Retail Value: $17.95


Margie GarrisonI Lost 120 Pounds You Can Too!

Best-Selling Author Margie Garrison, "The Arthritis Lady" author of "I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too" reveals why some people lose weight then regain it back and how to stop this vicious cycle.  You will:  Discover The Secrets to Creating the Body You Always Wanted and Learn about the "7 Pains and 7 Pleasures" that will make losing weight and keeping it off possible for you:   “I Lost 120 Pounds You Can Too”

Retail Value: $29.97

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Robert Phipps

Bonus #45

Mike Matthews

Bonus #46


Robert Phipps

Your Guide To Setting Goals Successfully  

 Finally! Find out why some people are more successful than others, lead
happier, healthier lifestyles, have more energy, more money, more
leisure time and absolute freedom of choice about what they do each and
every day.

Live The Life You Always Wanted, Step By Step, One Goal At A Time!

Learn the absolute essentials of goal setting. Why it's important in
attaining your dreams. How to find out what you really want and why you
want it, what does it give you? How will that feel?

The "Goal Setting Guide" will make your dreams a reality.   

Retail Value: $59


Mike MathewsThe Fish Plans - Migraine and Irritable Bowel Syndrome  

Both Migraine and Irritable Bowel Syndrome have three main threads to their cause.   Inheritance, which you cannot alter, food intolerance and stress which you can.  The FISH plans by Natural Cures from Shared Care are an integrated regime to conquer these ills.

Retail Value: $30

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Yours Free

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Mark Ament

Bonus #47

Ryan Wegman 

Bonus #48


Shun JianHomemade Colon Cleansing Made Easy 

From the late 1800s until now 1000s of medical researchers have shown how the health of the large intestine directly affects every other organ and system in the body. Their findings can be summarized in the words of the great American surgeon, Dr. George C. Crile, "If people would take care of their body and cleanse their colon and intestines, their problems would be pretty much eliminated.” This report, by cleansing expert Mark Ament of details their research and clearly explains all your options for beginning, intermediate and advanced colon cleansing.

Retail Value: $27.95


Ryan WegmanThe Pillars of Wealth

Ever had a financial difficulty or moment in life where you thought the world was going to end?

Learn the tale of going from rags to riches by realigning your thoughts and money habits.

Take notes and grow by embracing one couple's truimph over tragedy.

Living on and in love and using the awesome power to drive for living life to the fullest.

From living in his car with his wife and six dogs eating nothing but peanut butter to success.

Learn the three definitive steps to go from regret to the success you dreamed of years ago.

Retail Value: $27

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Yours Free

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Lori Hamann

Bonus #49

Patrice Dickey

Bonus #50


Lori HamannEvolve Your Life:  27 Keys to Amazing Wealth and Infinite Joy

Lori Hamann is a life coach and author specializing in helping you consciously create amazing wealth and infinite joy in your life through the laws of abundance.  Her book will teach you exactly how to implement these laws in your life for total success on all levels of life. 

Format: ebook


Patrice DickeyYour Guide to The Life You Love

FINALLY! Simple and Quick Ways to Kick-Start Your Day, Release Stress, Feel Better, Stay Focused, Get More Done and Experience a More Meaningful Life!  Get Your FREE Special Report, 101 Simple Ways to Kick the Depression Habit & Get Happier Without Prozac! along with its companion Ezine, Your Guide to the Life You Love, with tools & tips, perspective shifts, and always some Cool Mind Candy with that Hopeful Flavor! Extra bonus: your FREE Inspirational Audio, "For the Next Level of Healing." 

Retail Value: $49.95

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Yours Free

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Dawn Allen

Bonus #51

Kim Kirmmse Toth 

Bonus #52


Dawn AllenUnstoppable Confidence

"Unstoppable Confidence” is a 6-part e-course that includes a number of exercises and assignments that will teach you all you need to know in order to build your confidence.
"Unstoppable Confidence” will enable you to smash through those barriers and limited beliefs that you have about yourself and move forward with your life. Many people in life have the same amount of skills, but what holds them back is their lack of self-belief. The difference between those that succeed and those that do not, is confidence.

Retail Value: $79


Kim Kirmmse TothThe Five Keys to a Successful Retirement

The Five Keys to a Successful Retirement: Turning Your Signature Strengths into a Joyful 3rd Age.

In each lesson of this e-course, Kim will share one of five keys to a successful retirement. Expect to accomplish great things!

You are making your first big step into the stage of life that people look forward to for years! You are clearly committed to creating a successful transition, instead of just letting it ‘happen’ to you.

This is your future. What are you going to do with it?

Retail Value: $17

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Yours Free

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Helen Thomas

Bonus #53

Krystal Kuehn

Bonus #54


John SeeleyEffortless Ayurvedic Living

A free copy of Dr. Thomas’ 118 page guide to Effortless Ayurvedic Living. End your confusion over how to live an Ayurvedic lifestyle. This simple-to-follow guide was created by Dr. Helen Thomas, a Western woman, written for Western readers.
Plus, a second gift: Dr. Helens 20-Part Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type Online Course: How to identify your unique beauty goals which you can obtain effortlessly and naturally.

Retail Value: $37.00


Krystal Kuehn Live to Love

Can you imagine what life would be like if we were to communicate love sincerely and consistently in all our relationships?  We would have happier families, relationships and marriages.  We would be healthier and sleep better. Somehow we can always trace true happiness and fulfillment to love in our lives.  In Live to Love: 10 Powerful Ways to Communicate & Experience Love you will discover how to effectively communicate love and improve all your relationships beyond your wildest imagination. In the process, you will grow to be more joyful and fulfilled with a greater love for life and others!

Retail Value: $19.95

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Yours Free

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Jonathan Farrington

Bonus #55

Inez Bracy

Bonus #56


Jonathan FarringtonNegotiation To Win

'Negotiating To Win' is the first in a series of E-Books by Top Sales Expert Jonathan Farrington. Learn the secrets of the very best negotiators.

Retail Value: $29.95


Shun JianWatch Your Self Talk

Everything begins with a thought.  Thoughts are like planting a seed in the darkness of the earth.  When you plant a tomato you don’t expect to get a potato.  Likewise, thoughts are planted in the recesses of the mind.  When you plant sadness and negativity you don’t expect to get joy.  By watching your self talk you can choose to plant the thoughts for the life you desire.

Retail Value: $67.00

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Yours Free

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Doris Helge PH.D  

Bonus #57

Warren & Michelle Wojnowski

Bonus #58


Doris Helge PH.DGet Respect & Appreciation Now

Discover a simple technique for gaining more respect so you can get your needs met and enjoy your life much more. Turn anger, fear, and other negative emotions into peace and confidence. You deserve happiness and you should be valued and appreciated just as you are right now. Read tips that will help you gain positive recognition, resolve conflicts more easily, and divorce yourself from the "difficult people syndrome." Download this free Ebook now. It's guaranteed to help you immediately get the respect and appreciation you deserve.

Retail Value: $49


Shun Jian7 Steps to Happiness

“Hi I’m Michelle Wojnowski, co-founder of the Inspired Abundance website.  My husband Warren and I have radically transformed our lives by applying seven simple principles daily.  And we’d love to show you how you can do the same with our astonishing 7 Steps to Happiness eBook.  If you’re like us, you probably just want to feel happy with your life and know that you’re on the path to building a more rewarding, better life.  Here’s a fact for you: if you follow our 7 Steps to Happiness as outlined in our eBook, you will immediately begin to feel better… and happier!”

Retail Value: $19.95

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Yours Free

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Lisa Whatley

Bonus #59

Ann-Marie Ryan

Bonus #60


Lisa WhatleyThe Secret Door To Success

Lisa Whatley is an International Miracle Mind Mentor and Empowerment Specialist, Energy Medicine Healer and Published Author specializing in personal transformation growth programs.

Retail Value: $21.97


Ann-Marie RyanLaw Of Attraction Clearing Questions Workbook

A valuable 10 Point Clearing Plan to identify negative thought patterns.

We know that the Law of Attraction always manifests the essence of our thought vibrations. Dwelling on negatives causes low vibration and manifests more of the same, negative conditions. Use this workbook to quickly and easily bring to the surface the most common 'negative feeling’ culprits.

Retail Value: $29.99

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Yours Free

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Janice Gentles-Jones 

Bonus #61

Don Weyant 

Bonus #62


Janice Gentles-Jones15 Website Mistakes That Kill Online Success

  • The top two reasons most websites fail to bring in new business (See Mistake #1 & #2)
  • The most common and costly mistake that can result in lost opportunity & sales (See Mistake #3)
  • The mistakes that can prevent you from getting qualified leads to contact your business (See Mistake #4 & #10)
  • The most overlooked mistake that causes you to lose potential leads to your competitors (See Mistake #6)
  • Two big mistakes that can be detrimental to branding your business (See Mistakes #12 & #13)

Retail Value: $97


Janice Gentles-Jones7 Essential Successful Life MP3's and Science Of Getting Rich eBook

Download the complete ebook that started almost everyone down the road to success. "The Science Of Getting Rich" by Wallace Wattles. Plus, Get Your 7 Essential Successful Life MP3's and The Science Of Getting Rich pdf Download instantly so you can Listen, Learn and Achieve from The Achievement Radio Network!

Retail Value: $59.95

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Yours Free

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Rich Levin

Bonus #63

Sarah Maria Dreisbach

Bonus #64


Rich LevinSuccess Concepts

Rich’s systems and tools are built around a foundation of Self Belief, Self Affirmation, and Self Esteem. This bonus includes a whole chapter from Rich Levin’s coaching manual that is dedicated to Positive Affirmation and Success Concepts. It includes ideals, worksheets, and exercises that reinforce the Think Right Now programs. Along with the pages from our coaching manual we have included some free online tools to understand your business at a deeper level and quickly get on the path to Success.

Retail Value: $199


Cristin Stolfo5 Steps To Loving What You See In The Mirror

Download a copy of 5 Steps to Loving What You See In The Mirror! and begin to feel better about your body today! This e-book is full of specific exercises and visualizations designed to help you free yourself from limiting beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors so that you can begin to live the life of your dreams.

Retail Value: $27.00

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Janet Majoulet-Foust

Bonus #65

Kristen Harrell 

Bonus #66


Cristin Stolfo7 Secrets To A Heart Based Business

Are you ready to be a successful heart-based business owner? If so, I am offering you a FREE downloadable e-book called the 7 Secrets to A Heart Based Business.  In this book, you will learn:

  • Authentic communication,
  • Sharing your passion with your audience,
  • Understanding and attracting your ideal clients,
  • Claiming your value in every way,
  • Honoring and inspire the people around you – clients included!
  • You will also receive a free bi-weekly newsletter direct to your email.

Retail Value: $34.95


Kristen Harrell $5 off tunes

The repetition of positive thoughts helps the brain create new neural pathways - this is like rewiring the brain for success.  ipopin one minute affirmations make this process fun and easy!   They were designed to deliver positive messages to busy people.  Each ipopin is only a minute long and set to pop music.  Our customers listen to ipopins as they rush off to work, take the kids to school, or head to the gym.  

No matter how busy you are, with ipopins you only need a minute to refocus your mind on the positive things you want to create.   

Retail Value: $5

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Randall Dean 

Bonus #67

Mike Davison

Bonus #68


Randall Dean Taming the E-mail Beast & Timely Tips  

60+ page compilation document of Randy’s Timely Tips monthly e-newsletter that shares ONE tip a month on how to save time at things we do every day, from work to home.  And a free 3-chapter sneak preview of his new e-book, Taming the E-mail Beast:  45 Key Strategies for Better Managing Your E-mail Overload. 

Retail Value: $39


Mike Davison 7 Insights for Creating and Living Your Life's Purpose

"7 Insights for Creating and Living Your Life's Purpose" is a powerful and interactive audio program that contains 7 life changing insights to help you live a life full of meaning and purpose. Knowing your life's purpose and fully living it brings a sense of clarity, passion, meaning and fulfillment in life. When you consciously contemplate the purpose of your life it allows you to tap into a seemingly endless reservoir of energy and inspired, goal directed behavior. Dr. Davison provides a framework to help you navigate the journey of uncovering your life's purpose. Don't leave it to chance!

Retail Value: $19

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Yours Free

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Diane Helbig

Bonus #69

Stan Billue

Bonus #70


Shun JianCreate Outstanding Articles

Create Outstanding Articles to Promote Your Business E-Book. Article writing is a great way to become known as an expert in your field and gain exposure for your business. This E-Book takes you through the process and value of article writing and submission. Enjoy the Why, What, How, and Where of article writing, as well as an introduction to creating newsletters.

Retail Value: $15.00


Shun Jian10 Secrets of the Mega-Buck Sales Pros 

Our eBook featuring Enthusiasm, Develop Your Potenial, Become a Performer, Be Jealous of Time, Set Goals and Have a Purpose, Have Fun, Develop a Postive Expectant Attitude, Make Your Customer a Star, Develop a Marketing Niche, and The Best Prospects in the World.

Retail Value: $20.00

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Cristin Stolfo

Bonus #71

Sheetal Contractor 

Bonus #72


Cristin Stolfo10 Obstacles That Block Your Joy

Experiencing Joy Is Your Natural State of Being! Learn 10 common obstacles that block you from your joy and what you can do about them. At the end of this report you will also receive 10 ways to reconnect with your joy and release what is blocking you.  Cristin Stolfo is a Life Coach that works with clients to help them Connect with and Live their Inner Truth. 


Sheetal Contractor YOGA! (...So What's Stopping You?)

Let me demystify the practice of yoga for you!  In this E-Book, I explain how and why ANYONE can practice yoga and experience complete body/mind wellness.  With over 190 color photographs and clear, concise instruction that is easy to follow, this E-Book guides you through 33 poses & exercises. 

Retail Value: $24.95

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Yours Free

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Wayen Lee

Bonus #73

Natalie Tucker Miller  

Bonus #74


Laura NaccaratoWayne Lee Hypnotic Relaxation

Hypnosis is not sleep--it is a state of extraordinary mental and physical relaxation.  You will let go of fear, stress, and tension to experience a peaceful state of mind.  This program helps you to develop an unshakable belief in yourself and in your abilities.  Radiate self-confidence and fill your life with joy and happiness.

Retail Value: $30


Natalie Tucker MillerFamily Game Night

Research supports:  Fun and laughter reduce stress and foster wellness! 
Too often, however, we don’t factor fun into our daily lives or schedules. Instead, we tend to rely on fun happening by default or chance. Begin NOW to purposefully add fun and games to your regular routine! Sign up for “Family Game Night” and receive 52 weekly fun and relationship building games that can be enjoyed by the youngest to the eldest members of your family. is dedicated to promoting fun for all.

Retail Value: $24.96

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Elizabeth Bartasius 

Bonus #75

Deberah Bringelson 

Bonus #76


Elizabeth BartasiusHave Your Cake and Eat It Too!

Radio Show Host, Mentor, Speaker, and Author of How to Survive Until 
You Win the Lottery: A Sassy and Playful Guide to Rid Yourself of Financial Worry, Live Rich, and Have What You Want, offers you the unique How to Survive Until You Win the Lottery Playbook. 45 pages of Sassy Survival Secrets to take away your money worries and jumpstart your dream life.  By following these simple, fun exercises you will remove the financial stress, feel better, sassier, and my secret promise (shhh, don’t tell) be oh so sexier.


Deberah BringelsonStrategic Wealth Course

If you are someone who is struggling to create wealth and joy in your life – STOP.  You are just one click away from learning time-tested, proven secrets for creating your own Strategic Wealth.

Deberah Bringelson is a Certified Master Wealth consultant who has been using these same techniques in her life for more than 25 years.   Using these simple tools, she has created homes, cars, multi-million dollar deals and more.

She is passionate about helping you create the same Strategic Wealth© in your life as she has in hers.  And, she’s doing it for free.

Retail Value: $497

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Amanda Goldston

Bonus #77

Melinda Day-Harper 

Bonus #78


Amanda GoldstonCreate Your Ideal Day

It is a short and simple guide to creating what you **truly** want in your life - starting right now. When you design your Ideal Day you can build in all your goals and you can start to create a lifestyle where you do exactly what you want and what gives you fun and pleasure. Start to Live your Dream Life today.

Retail Value: $9.95


Melinda Day-Harper Feng Shui Finance

How is your financial fitness?  Learn to use the decluttering techniques of Feng Shui to create space for abundance! Discover how the “see-saw” principles of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity can positively affect your personal energy level, which in turn determines how you use your time and space to create the life and abundance you desire.  See how the Law of Vacuum increases the ability for new opportunities to come into your life.  Find out exactly how to setup your Personal Prosperity File System to help track where you’re going and make tax preparation much easier!

Retail Value: $88

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Yours Free

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Margie Warrell  

Bonus #79

Annie Kaszina 

Bonus #80


Margie Warrell Find Your Courage Workbook

In her Best Selling book Find Your Courage! (McGraw-Hill) Margie Warrell, a Certified Executive & Life Coach helps people overcome the fears, doubts and limits that are holding them back and keeping them awake at night!  Today, as a special thanks, she will share with you her FIND YOUR COURAGE! Workbook complete with 27 powerful life altering exercises to help you clarify what you truly want (and what you don’t!), identify the fears keeping you from having it and how to tap into your own bank of courage to enjoy immeasurably greater success in your career, relationships and life! You will also receive a pin-up summary of The 12 Everyday Acts of Courage That Will Change Your Life and a sample chapter from her highly acclaimed book Find Your Courage!

Retail Value: $39


Annie Kaszina"But If I Say 'No' They Won't Like Me"

If you lack confidence, often the most difficult thing is to get people to truly listen to you.  Dr Annie Kaszina, author of “But If I Say ‘No’ They Won’t Like Me” gives you a comprehensive understanding of strategies and techniques that are proven to work.  When you master these simple techniques you will instantly gain more confidence and get more respect than you have ever experienced.  Nervousness and self-esteem issues are a thing of the past, once you start using the Kaszina method.

Retail Value: $47

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Johan Campbell

Bonus #81

Michael Kaye

Bonus #82


Johan CampbellThoughts for every day

Thoughts for every day is a treasury of 365 quotes and passages especially selected for their message of hope and inspiration. A small book with the power to change your life "Thoughts for every day" is designed to help you find answers to the questions in your life and to provide you with new insights into life. But most importantly it has been written to stimulate you into action.

Retail Value: $47



Michael KayeThe Living Triad

In this e-book you will begin to build a blueprint for a well-lived life.
You will learn why exercise programs fail, and how yours can succeed using my amazingly easy process; learn in simple terms what you need to know about vitamins and supplements; demonstrate how you can eat better to feel better; discover what most diet programs have in common, and where they fall short; and most important you will learn what you can do to greatly secure a future
of health, wealth and happiness.

Retail Value: $75

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Yours Free

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Sharon Esonis

Bonus #83

Karen Frank 

Bonus #84


Sharon EsonisExpectations

The Thorny Maze of Expectations... Take Care in Deciding What You Expect
From Yourself, Others and the World by Sharon S. Esonis, Ph.D.

There's a hidden source of power or pain that often goes unaddressed by many
individuals. Truth is, expectations can have a significant impact on how people live their lives. Expectations are assumptions about the future - what will occur or what should occur - and they can exert a profound influence on many aspects of life.

Retail Value: $199


Karen FrankFive Things Every Professional Must Know To Survive A Recession

Why working harder won’t help you achieving your goals. Why you must alter your sales process (and how to do it). Why word of mouth is the most important part of your marketing.

When you’ve finished the course, you will understand why the economy doesn’t have to affect your livelihood, and you’ll know what to do next to make more money doing what you love.

Retail Value: $49

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Yours Free

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Renee Canali 

Bonus #85

Ken Foster

Bonus #86


Renee CanaliBeliefs and Change

This ebook explores those haunted areas of your mind and will disturb the cobwebs that hold tightly to beliefs that no longer serve you well. Through this guided tour of the haunted halls of your mind you will discover what beliefs prevent you from achieving that which you truly desire. The tour ends in the exercise room where you can use the three activities to begin reclaiming your power from the ghosts that haunt your mind.

Retail Value: $14.95


Ken FosterCreate Your Greatest Year EVER! (Two FREE) 60-Minute Teleclasses led by best selling author, Ken D. Foster

Are you ready to stop kidding yourself that things will get better without a real change?  Success Teacher, Ken D. Foster, has taught thousands of people just like you to create lives of profound abundance in every area - finance, business, career, relationships, and beyond. 

Retail Value: $300

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Maggie Currie 

Bonus #87

McCartney Green

Bonus #88


Maggie Currie7 Steps To Re-Building Confidence In Yourself

A pocket sized, self-help guide to re-establishing your own self-image, taking you step by step through the exercises to transform your life.

The easy to understand exercises will become your map of your journey to increased self-confidence and happiness.

You will find out how to face reality, discover where negative thoughts come from, learn to love your inner child, learn to accept yourself, find out how to replace your negative thoughts with core beliefs, learn to set personal boundaries and learn to trust your inner wisdom.

Retail Value: $9.50


McCartney GreenDandelions Never Die

Shelley Adams is a victim of an assault, searching for empowerment. When she crosses paths with legendary martial arts master Eric Kino she believes her life is about to change drastically . . . and she's right. Master Kino promises not only to teach her, but to make her a champion; however, the attraction they feel for one another is inescapable. Unfortunately, when they find love, they find terror. A sexy, thrilling adventure and inspiration to women.

Retail Value: $5

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Terri Giosia 

Bonus #89

Alen Majer

Bonus #90


Terri Giosia Life Coaching Tips

Imagine… A life filled with:
Balance and abundance
Fulfilling and enriching relationships
Laughter, joy, positive energies, love and light
Improved self esteem and body image

Not living for the audience!
Saying “no” and meaning it!
Not validating when someone asks “why”

Retail Value: $19.95


Alen MajerCorrecting Your Weak Points

Find out if it pays you to approach leads in a certain way. Don’t guess about when to close – get the figures. Download the cheat sheet and learn how to recognize your weak points, and let the figures tell you where to improve.

Retail Value: $49

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Yours Free

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S. Chennapragada 

Bonus #91

Kathy Cothran

Bonus #92


Chennapragada "Relax" Counting Breaths

'Counting Breaths' is an easy method that reduces wandering of mind, relaxes the muscles and induces sleep. You can get Relief from Stress, Hypertension, Migraine, Smoking, Anger, Obesity, Stuttering, Difficult relationships etc.
Proven Practice for All ages - 7 to 86 Years.


Yuri ElkaimMake Your Writing Sizzle & Webkinz Activity Sampler

Make Your Writing Sizzle
"Deciding to take your writing from ordinary to extraordinary is a worthwhile commitment. This requires perseverance. In this handbook you will find strategies that are easy to apply to your writing to add sizzle to your style, whether you are writing a letter, a book, or a report for work."

Retail Value: $19.90

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Yours Free

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Mary Morgan

Bonus #93

Kathy Andrews

Bonus #94


Mary MorganReiki Level I Course

This Reiki Level I course gives the history of Reiki and how to use Reiki.  The student will be given the Level I Attunement and taught how to use Reiki on themselves and others.  When taken as a course there are homework assignments that are given throughout to help the student develop a better understanding of using Reiki for healing.

Retail Value: $30


Kathy AndrewsHow to Create Your Ideal Life

Here's a video about HOW to CREATE YOUR IDEAL LIFE. Your beliefs determine your ultimate destination. When you re-engineer your beliefs and maximize your marketing, you can only succeed.  My secret ingredient is doing both at the same time. Understanding what goes on inside as well as outside can be the difference between succeeding or failing in your business.

Retail Value: $47

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Yours Free

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Ruth Hegarty

Bonus #95

Jacqueline Marshall

Bonus #96


Ruth Hegarty52 Powerful Strategies for Boosting Your Confidence E-Book

Perfect for anyone who wants to up their own or someone else's confidence quotient. Whether you are diagnosed with social anxiety disorder or considered bold and brave, a teen or a senior (and everyone in between), a man or a woman, there are activities in this work book to help you embrace being you, increase your confidence and self-esteem and have fun doing it. Get this fun, practical, powerful and clear system for developing real confidence.

Retail Value: $29


Shun JianElements of Wholeness 

Elements of Wholeness is an e-book of inspirational stories, metaphors, info and poems about living as a whole human being. Each section focuses on one element of wholeness, such as: play, appreciation, being grounded, etc. (22 pages)

Retail Value: $15.00

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Tamara Hanson

Bonus #97

Peter Sherer

Bonus #98


Tamara Hanson Inspired Writing 

Inspired Writing will fire up your creativity and motivate you to express yourself through writing. It’s true—everyone is creative and everyone has a story inside them waiting to get out. Learn the various tools and techniques that will get you writing and enjoying the process. With over 12 years of writing and coaching experience, Tamara Hanson’s eBook will inspire writers and non-writers alike, helping them take their writing to the next level.  Visit her website:

Retail Value: $27


Peter Sherer Baby Boomers. What's Next? 

This article describes the situation facing Boomers who are considering a transition into a new job or into the first stage of retirement after their first career. The next 16 years will see baby boomers reinvent “retirement”, but there is no roadmap.

Retail Value: $19.95

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Yours Free

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Hueina Su

Bonus #99

Sandra Forbes

Bonus #100


Hueina SuIntensive Self-Care Kit

Intensive Self-Care means taking good care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually -- including (but not limited to) loving & accepting yourself unconditionally, respecting yourself, honoring your own needs, having regular "Me Time" for yourself and things you enjoy, eating a balanced diet, having enough sleep, exercising regularly, having annual physicals, having quality relationships (family, friends, colleagues, life coach, mentors) that support you, managing your time according to your priorities, knowing how to ask for what you want, asking for help when you need it, honoring & pursuing your dreams, knowing how to say "No" and stand up for yourself, etc.

Retail Value: $97


Sandra Forbes Paperflow 

In this informative booklet, you'll learn:

  • Mail is like water.  In order to experience its power, it’s got to flow.  Understanding this idea will have a profound effect on your life...
  • How to deal with some of the common obstacles and learn new systems that will help you become more productive and efficient (at work and at home)...
And more powerful and effective strategies used by leading experts in the professional organizing and productivity industries.  You too, can use these strategies to create the life you want.

Retail Value: $19.95

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Yours Free

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Cindy Ashton 

Bonus #101

Hillary Harris

Bonus #102


Cindy Ashton The Courage to be Successful

Kiss the Monster Meditation: The Courage to be Successful! This 20 minute guided meditation is key in helping you feel confident as you pursue your dreams. You will remember the moments in your life when you found your authentic power and achieved success. Carrying those feelings forward, you will rediscover the confidence and 
brilliance within yourself.

Retail Value: $9.99


Hillary HarrisFlicker to FLAME!

Does your career light you up inside and out? Is your work an inspiring, exciting, satisfying expression of who you are? Do you feel passionate about what you do… or have those once burning embers cooled and begun to fizzle out?

Retail Value: $25

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Nancy Bentley

Bonus #103

Ruben James  

Bonus #104


Nancy Bentley Taste of Truly Cultured 

     If you’re one of the 60-70 Million Americans suffering with annoying gas, bloating and more serious digestive upsets keeping you distracted, uncomfortable, or awake at night, you’re going to love your free download bonus Taste of Truly Cultured E-Book. 

Retail Value: $79


Ruben JamesHow I Discovered The Quantum Experience

Has there ever been a time in your life when you needed help, but didn't know where to get it or where to turn?  When
everything you tried failed? When disillusionments, disappointments, frustrations, old pains and traumas surfaced
and threw up massive barriers that discouraged you to the breaking point?

You're not alone... and there is a way out.  The Quantum Experience is a powerful new "step-by-step" process that cuts through emotional baggage, releases old and often hidden
traumas and negative beliefs and transforms lives.  It gives new meaning to "know yourself" and allows full integration and reconnection with all parts of yourself.

Retail Value: $20

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Dan Robey

Bonus #105

Greg Marsh   

Bonus #106


Dan RobeyPositive Habits E-course  

The Power of Positive Habits
3 Week E-course by Dan Robey 
In just a Few Minutes you can Learn How to Re-Program your Mind and Body and Reach your Goals Automatically!
Imagine being able to achieve more Success Automatically, Lose Weight Automatically and keep it off Permanently, Improve your Health Automatically, have more Energy and Motivation...Automatically! This amazing 3 week
e-course will show you how! 

Retail Value: $59


Greg MarshImprove Your Eyesight Naturally 

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally -- without surgery and without tedious exercises. Learn how in this 45 minute presentation by Greg Marsh, one of the world's leading Natural Vision Teachers. This method works through relaxation, awareness, and imagination. As your sight becomes clearer and more efficient, your whole body and mind will feel more alert and refreshed. Greg's approach is creative and encouraging, incorporating his background teaching martial art and meditation, and study of many natural healing approaches. As a former chemical engineer, he can help disarm any skepticism you may have about changing your eyesight.

Retail Value: $39

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