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Supreme Confidence Now!
Success Stories

Hi Mike,

I initially tried to find sources of motivation for my job and my goals and stumbled upon your site. I simply subscribed to your book and as soon as I read the first chapter, it was unbelievable. I was so enthusiastic about reading the rest of it and I couldn't wait to get the next few chapters. I decided to follow the instructions though to read it a day at a time and reflect upon the essence of each chapter. I noticed changes. Guess how I absolutely knew there was a change in me? I started reading the affirmations below each chapter aloud which I considered extremely funny and stupid at first. Yet here I was myself doing something I abhorred doing before.

I'll be honest though, it was only after getting to the middle of your book that I finally decided to purchase three of your products: Setting and Achieving Goals Now, Financial Abundance Now, and Supreme Confidence Now. I mainly use Setting & Achieving Goals and Supreme Confidence at night while I play all 3 programs during the day when I'm in my office. I have to say that they are powerful indeed.

I noticed uneasiness on my part after about a week. Whenever I would be positive about issues I have with my job, my frustrations with non-accomplished goals, and my life in general, I would have stronger negative sentiments. There seemed to be a struggle within myself. I was having a harder time avoiding being sarcastic at people and pessimistic about situations. You see Mike, I handle technical operations for my employer and projects and people are my main responsibility. I'm sure you know, managing a diverse group of individuals never comes easy... much more trying to maximize productivity from all of them.

Now, after more than a month of listening to Supreme Confidence Now and Setting and Achieving Goals Now at night, I start my day by planning my itinerary unlike before. I make sure I greet everyone at the office good morning with a smile. In the past four critical deadlines for our projects, I did not panic and was able to manage the group to meet each and every one even if the delay was caused by our client. I also noticed I shut-up more often now instead of criticizing people. I haven't been put down as much as before when I get my ass chewed from my boss.

Everyday seems easier and something to be appreciated at the end of it. So far so good as I have not had any conflicts with anyone in the office. I hope it would progress a lot more as I definitely have a long way to go in improving myself. But thanks to your audio programs Mike, I am better equipped to do that.

I now worry a lot less than before. I have started to save more aggressively from my salary. My wife also noticed I do a lot more chores now than I did before. To you Mike, I owe any improvements I have gone through and I am looking forward to more. You have proven me wrong from a disbeliever to now a fan of yours.

More power to you.

Joel Bonzon, Philippines


I use "Supreme Confidence Now!" and "Accelerated Sales Success Now!" every day. I start with the confidence program and then the 2 sales programs. I know they are working for me.

The first week after I started listening to the programs we had to give a tour to 2 people from another company. They are existing customers who were looking to dramatically increase their business with us if we could meet their needs. My boss and I gave the tour. During one point in his presentation, my boss went blank and I could see him faltering. All of a sudden I felt a surge of confidence and took over for my boss. I had thought, I know this stuff just as well if not better than him anyway and finished that part of the presentation for him. I am not sure how to explain it, but the words from the "Supreme Confidence Now!" program flashed through my brain and I just KNEW I could finish for him. In fact, the worse he got the more the confident I had become. I did very well in the presentation and he flashed me a grateful look and also thanked me personally after they were gone. He said he just froze up and could not think. (We also got the new business volume!)

I also recruit for my home business at night and I am having much better success due to both programs. I am much more confident on the phone and I am connecting with my prospects better. I have been using the programs for approximately one month now.

Mark Potes, MI



Dear Mike,

I got into a bad relationship two years ago where my partner was a heavy drug user. Over two years I slowly watched myself use drugs for recreation. Then it became a daily habit.

My work suffered as I fell increasingly behind and started to miss important deadlines and meetings as I could not remember things. I also became very apathetic and I stopped taking courses that I used to enjoy to help advance my career. I have broken up and gotten back together with this man several times and each time is a vicious, drug-binge session and a blow to my self-image and ego. I became isolated and desperate but on the outside I still managed to maintain the impression that I was okay.

This is when I decided I needed to help myself. I sought out counseling but began to dislike the process. So, I decided to try something new. I had always received your newsletters and found them inspiring and insightful. So I thought if I built back my confidence and restore my motivation that my pursuit to be a better person would conquer my current lifestyle and habits. I was right...

I have been listening to your programs and making a conscious effort to take the process seriously. I have grown more as a person in the last month than I have in the last 2 years and I now see the light at the end of the tunnel. I feel my confidence and my old-self returning and I feel incredible.

You have saved me by helping me save myself and I will always be eternally grateful. The power of words is far reaching and I hope others have the opportunity to discover how such a simple and effective program can improve the quality of life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Nadia, Canada

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Dear Mike Brescia & Think Right Now,

I received the "Supreme Confidence Now" program about three weeks ago, and I've been playing it every night while I sleep. The other day I noticed something interesting. Somehow, something feels different, deep down where it really counts. I mean, there is a difference between intellectually understanding something and emotionally understanding it. The latter is when we make real changes. I believe your programs cause a deep down emotional change, not just on an intellectual level. I've grown up a shy introverted person, and I've always known that I could use more confidence. I've listened to programs before on increasing confidence, but with no real noticeable differences taking place. Since I've started listening to the confidence program every night, only three weeks ago, I've noticed that I interact with people on a day-to-day basis in a much more confident way!

The main thing I notice is that I feel a lot more centered and strongly rooted in my being when I am in social interactions. It is amazing because I really feel changed, and I almost can't believe it! It's like something in my personality has really been strengthened below my conscious awareness, and in such a good way.

There's another amazing thing I'm seeing take place as well. My girlfriend and I live together, and although having the CD player going all night was something that bothered her at first, I'm seeing her act in more confident ways as well! She didn't even really know what I was putting on when I played the CD at first, but it must be seeping in to her subconscious as well, because she is more outgoing now, stands up for herself very strongly, and has even begun setting goals and getting excited about taking on new challenges! Let me just note that she never took any action to set goals before in her life.

Too much is improving in our lives for there not to be a connection to your programs. I'm going to keep listening to the Supreme Confidence Now program every night, and I can't wait to see what else changes in the months to come. If it's anything like the last three weeks then I'm in for some pleasant surprises.

Thank you for producing such outstanding products. It is such a small investment to make for such powerful results. You really are the man. Thanks again, and keep up the incredibly outstanding work!!!


Wow Mike! I am so happy that I came across your website!! It was the end of October when I came across it and I ordered "Supreme Confidence Now!" Confidence has been lacking in my life for as long as I can remember. The program arrived and I played it that night when I went to bed. I continued to play it for the next two months every single night as I went to sleep. I am amazed at the difference in the way I feel and the way that I live my life. I no longer take the major antidepressant that I have been on for 12 years. Even though I am severely obese I like and am smiling at the person in the mirror.

It is no longer a pain or hassle to do things that I need to do to take care of myself. I am starting to exercise and I am leaving food on the plate at the end of meals. I have even started in a Yoga class! All of this has been effortless. I find myself wanting to do things like jigsaw puzzles, games, talking to friends and reading rather than spend hours watching mindless TV and eating. I have energy now. Not as much as I hope to have as the weight comes off, but more energy than I remember ever having.

I have since purchased "Infinite Joy Now!" I find myself much more positive and feeling happy again than I have in decades literally. Thank you so much for what you do and continue creating the wonderful work that you produce.

With deepest gratitude,
Connie Butterworth, Iowa

After being laid off for two years, I got another job. I worked hard and I finally got a promotion. After my promotion, my new supervisor noticed that I had no confidence with customers, and I felt overwhelmed. The new position was nothing like I was used to doing. I have never had any confidence but I did manage to do my line of work well. I ordered your CD, Supreme Confidence and have listened for a week.

I noticed a growing confidence as I talked with my customers and felt that I could help them solve their problems. I also started feeling less negative in other areas of my life. The best moment of all was when I walked across the parking lot today. I was actually looking forward to going in to work! I "knew" that I could do a good job and that I could handle any problem that came my way.

Linda Dietrick, WA



I'm Mr. Skeptical when it comes to things like this but I can't believe the quick changes happening in me. A couple of weeks ago my wife was telling me about people learning and retaining information better through music. She had some "mouse test" story to tell me. My response was something like...we're not mice. Anyway, the next day I was going through some e-mails and saw your e-mail. I get it all the time but sorry to say i rarely read it. I glanced through and read something about confidence. The Bible says in Proverbs 23:7 that as a man thinketh, so is he. There is lots of stinking thinking out there. To make a long story longer, I started listening and from the first day I noticed a desire to get things done. I'm flying around at work looking for things to accomplish with great confidence. I'm the general manager of the business and lately I had lost my drive, my confidence, and my ambition. I'm getting it back and then some. I'm relaxing with that sweet ladies voice, that leads you through the tape and it gets me ready to take on the day. It's an awesome change in my mind. It's just what the doctor ordered and yet I don't have to pay a doctor! Yeah!!!

I do need to lose some weight so I think my next cd should be about losing weight. I don't recall all the titles that you carry but I'm sure you'll send some to me eventually by e-mail.

P.S. I'm heading to Atlanta for a seminar for my company and if I get a chance I'll be recommending your company to those that I come in contact with.

I guess thanks is in order!

Tom Richardson, Mo

Order Supreme Confidence Now!


Dear Mike,

I ordered Supreme Confidence Now just about as soon as it came out and was so excited about it since I had recently realized I did not like myself. I had just lost a job I have always wanted after only two weeks, took another test and failed it, was yelled at work - you name it. I knew this program was what I needed and I listened to it whenever I could.

A few days ago a miracle started to happen. I realized I still have some talents that I had before and that I had stopped using them. I've also realized that I let what others think influence me too much. Last night I accepted that I am a worthwhile person who is good and fun to know and be around! I have not felt that way in years! My sweet sister told me today on the phone that I am sounding like the old fun Karen. It made me tingle inside.

I am coming back. I felt dead for so long and am coming back saying a big "YES!!!" I have a long way to go but I am so excited I can do it now! I just ordered the Motivation program and I am so excited about getting it! Thank you so much!

Karen Deem, Utah


Hi Mike and Team!

I would like to express my thanks for the Supreme Confidence CD. THANKS!!!! I have been making it a part of my life ever since I have received it (2 weeks ago) and finally feel confident at my work and have the numbers to prove it!!! 

I work for a major shipper where the number of pieces I process are determined every day. I received my precious package on Saturday and by Monday (my first day of the week) I made the company's goal!!! Until Supreme Confidence, I had been trying really hard doing my best, but knew the numbers were falling short due to this and that. Now I am much happier because having more confidence helped me tweak the way I do my job more effectively and now - voila! I am making the numbers without working any harder and NO ADDITIONAL STRESS!!!!!!

At the same time, my husband was preparing for a classical guitar concert and giving a Master Class at his old alma mater. This was a very big deal!!! While he teaches many hours per day (9-5 usually straight), there was not much time for him to practice (10 pm - 2 am) as he would like. He would listen at the same time (wink) and I am so happy to report that his trip was successful. I am so relieved because he felt happy with his achievement. This is the FIRST time in the 24 years of marriage that my husband came away from giving a concert and actually felt happy and satisfied about his achievement. For me - this is a huge leap of welcomed change!!!
Thanks Mike for doing what you do - keep on keeping on!!!

All the best!!!
Sincerely confidently yours,
Laureen Zisa

p.s. Just the yesterday, I was talking to my friend who works a different shift. As we were saying our goodbyes she said, "Have a good day!" My instantaneous reply was, "Oh! I am confident I will have a very good day!!!" I heard myself say this and smiled - this was not part of my vocabulary before S.C. Now for the next step.....!!!!


I am 63, and until last year, had suffered for about 40 years from shame, guilt and fear. Recently, I purchased your Supreme Confidence tape with the idea that it might teach me a better attitude. Bingo. I have hit pay dirt because I am now replacing negative attitudes with those that will support me in achieving my goals.

I am getting there and see nothing but a rosy future. This is quite different than a year ago. I am so much more confident now versus not being able to get out of my hole of shame, guilt, fears, and inferiority.

Thanks for your help.
Daryl Corbett


Dear Mike,

I've been listening to your program now for the past 17 days. I have your Think Right Now for Windows program on the computer, and I fall asleep every night listening to the Supreme Confidence program. I have also printed out 15 of the affirmations to read daily. The biggest transformation so far stems from the particular affirmation: "I can now make difficult and important decisions with ease."

I've been in a long term, long distance relationship now for 2 1/2 years and I had to come to terms with the fact that she was never going to make the final decision to move to Vegas to be with me. Your Supreme Confidence Now program gave me the strength to face the truth and make the difficult decision to end a non-supportive relationship.
Not only does my decision free me financially, but also emotionally to move on to the possibility of a better relationship in the future.

Thank you for helping me have the supreme confidence to make good & wise decisions.


Rod Greene

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When you recently offered "Supreme Self-Confidence" at an introductory price, I decided to give it a try. I'll tell you about my results a little later but first I have to give a small bit of history.

Several years ago a series of catastrophic events in my life completely defeated me. I went from being a pretty "up" guy to being flat on the floor. I eventually left my job of thirteen years because I could no longer handle the stress associated with working. As I say I was pretty defeated. I tried self-employment but failed miserably since I couldn't bring myself to really get out and visit prospective customers. Forget cold calling on the phone. Naturally, my self-esteem got lower with each defeat. Then that little self-talk guy in my head started using terms like "loser", "worthless", "nobody" and worse. I hated feeling defeated like this but there was no use in telling the self-talk guy to shut up because based on my performance it seemed like he was right. Even my bootstraps broke after pulling myself up so many times. But then, once again, I would find myself back on the floor.

I am not a quitter and yet I found myself wanting to give up. But, I started reading a lot of different kinds of self-help books. Most of the books are still on my shelf and I dust them off from time to time. Don't get me wrong though, they are very good books or else I wouldn't have kept them. The problem was not with the book, it was with me. I didn't usually remember what I had read, and for that reason most of what I read just didn't get applied. In your book 'Today is Your Day to Win' I read recently that most self-help books go unread or unused. When I read that statement I turned and looked at the library of self-help books just behind my desk and the reality of that statement hit me square in the face. A few of them were unread and most I couldn't remember what they had suggested I do. Each time I bought one of those books my sincere intent was to read it, apply it and get back to my life. They did help me keep plugging along but I never quite got over the hump. Did I mention I have a short memory?

OK, back to the here and now. To be honest when I ordered your program, I was really expecting just another self-help "rah-rah, you can do it" program. You know - one I could listen to, get an uplifting feeling for a while, and then set it down next to the other dust collectors in my library. Boy was I wrong.

When your program arrived, I put it in my office CD player and went back to writing my reports. The first section, of course, is the relaxation session so I stopped what I was doing and allowed myself to relax for those few minutes and clear my mind. It was a nice break. When the statements began, I went back to my reports and allowed the CD to play in the background. I figured I would just "check it out" and then actually "listen" to it later when I could pay better attention. I liked what I heard. It was very non-intrusive and calming. No Rah-Rah stuff that elevates your mood, only to be deflated later, just calm. I also was not expecting such great production quality. The music and the smooth non-invasive voice speaking such positive things were great. It was enjoyable, very painless and it is great having it play in the background.

When I finally went back and actually read your how to e-mail I realized I didn't need to pay better attention. So...that night I put the CD in the player in my bedroom and let it play softly while I drifted off to sleep. I repeated it the next night. I slept very well both nights. My wife liked it too but in order for both of us to hear it I had to turn it up too loud. Now I am getting pillow speakers so we can listen to it every night.

It has only been a very short period of time but I am so impressed that I invested in more sets of CD's. They should arrive any day. My mood has changed dramatically. It used to take days or sometimes weeks to get back on track after something or someone got me down. Now it takes much less time, sometimes even just minutes. I really didn't expect that kind of result. I find I am much more positive. And more importantly, that self-talk guy in my head still talks from time to time but he is much easier to silence now. I am not sure how this actually happened, but I am now confident I can reprogram my brain away from the irrational subconscious thoughts.

I must tell you I didn't think this would work or be anything different than I had experienced before. In some ways I didn't want to think of my brain as a computer. That would mean there are things that I simply don't have complete control over. But...I realize now my brain is a computer of sorts and it is very mucked up with a lot of negative self-talk garbage. Outwardly, I seem a very positive guy but inside there is a tape recorder running with some very negative messages. It is time to clean up the hard drives and upgrade the software. With your program I am positive I can do that. This is no rah-rah feel good program. It seems to just work in the background and it is amazing. Sort of like Anti-Virus and a firewall for the brain.

Here are some of my immediate results. After a few days listening and feeling much better I spent an entire weekend going through the house from top to bottom putting things back in order. Things were looking pretty bad and now it looks great. Since then I have kept up on everything and it still looks great. I got out my procrastination file in my office (it was big) and sorted, worked and filed everything. I am more than caught up now and can actually relax a little when doing my job. I went through all the magazines I had been throwing in a pile unread, read what I was interested in and tossed the rest. I am now making plans for some additional projects to start. I really don't know why building confidence caused this result but it most certainly did. There was nothing on the CD that said "You will be more productive" but that certainly happened. But here is the biggest short term result. I just pick up the phone now and speak authoritatively without fear. For the first time in my life actually, I speak with confidence. I find myself looking people in the eye and I am not as intimidated. I am still baffled by this. I don't even think consciously about this. It just happens. I still hate to think that I need to be reprogrammed but hey...if this is the result...OK!

I still have a long way to go. I certainly don't want to make it sound like a few weeks with your product and I am there. I'm not. But do we ever reach the point that we couldn't improve on something? Your software now runs 24/7 on my computer. I edited my own file called "Scott's Emphasis". When I discover a personal weak point I throw a positive statement in that file and let it play on my screen along with the others. I printed them and read these statements to myself out loud as well. One of my emphasis points is "I read Today is Your Day to Win every day". And I do. I also created a "Things to Do Every Day" list for my physical desktop. I review this list every morning when I start my day. I keep adding to it but when it is complete I am going to laminate it so I can check things off with a grease pencil. Did I mention I have a short memory?

Well that's my story. I haven't yet received my new order but it should arrive any day. I am truly looking forward to the results as I continue to reprogram my self-talk. I won't quit until that self-talk guy has a couple layers of duct tape across his mouth. Again all I can say is thanks Mike! It really works. I don't know how...but it works.

Scott Haas - OR


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Hi Mike!

Here's my story "so far". I've been listening to the Supreme Confidence program for the last week or so while I sleep and here's what I've noticed. I notice I'm sleeping better. I was waking up every two hours or so throughout the night. I'm not doing that any more. I might wake up once or twice now. I have also noticed that I'm not so uptight either. I'm a worry wart and worry about everything and everybody. I have been housebound for the past two years. I had a lot of fear. Anyway, I'm out of the house working part time doing something totally new. Freaking me out? You bet it is, but I'm dealing with it.

I use to be an out going person way back. That was before I met my second husband who turned me into (let me rephrase that) who I let turn me into a recluse. That was a very emotionally abusive relationship. So because of it, I have carried some messy baggage into my now marriage. Your program is doing something for me, I can tell! I can't put my finger on it just yet however. I feel less stressed and I'm gaining some self control. I use to yell and get really frustrated when someone or something upset me. Not so now… Thanks so much!

Robyn, OR


Dear Mike,

I'm very excited to share my success story with you! The Real Self-Esteem Now and Supreme Confidence Now programs have made it possible for me to put a long-time dream into action. On the outside I look like someone who has it all together. The inside, however, was another story. My exterior success is due to a God-given ability and being willing to accept jobs that didn't challenge me.

I've always wanted to write and be a life-long learner. My mother and uncle are both published authors, so the genes run in the family. However I was so intimidated by their successes and afraid that I would be the one "failure" that I didn't even try. After listening to Supreme Confidence for about a month (all night long and also during the day) and then doing the same with Real Self-Esteem for several weeks, I ordered the copywriting course that I've been looking at, dreaming of and drooling over for months.

I haven't felt that excited about something I have done in years - and it feels so good and so right. I am happy to say that I am quickly and confidently moving through the course and learning the skills I need to succeed in my desired field. My fear and intimidation have been replaced with confidence and excitement about my future. I can't thank you enough for making these programs universally available. They can't help but make the world a better place!

Marguerite G. Hartman

Dear Mike,

What lead me to the point of trying to find a system to improve my life was that I had literally lost everything that mattered to me due to my low self esteem and it wasn't the first time. I had met the man of my dreams but he was eventually turned off because he discovered I was a pessimistic doormat who hated herself and was chronically mentally self-abusive. I lost my dream job, my lovely penthouse overlooking the
ocean and was rapidly running through my savings. Finally, in a dark moment of desperation, I showed up on my best friend's doorstep, broken inside and out.  To stabilize my moods, I had to go on heavy anti-depressants because I had become clinically depressed.

My former lover actually told me when he broke up with me I was the single most damaged person he had ever cared about and that he had never met someone so addicted to vicious self-perpetuated mental destruction. When he looked into my eyes and told me I didn't deserve the torture I put myself through and that I should get some help, it was like a knife plunging into my heart! That hurt to hear, much less
to imagine it was something someone I loved saw in me.

Having come from an abusive childhood, it was very hard to see myself as a person of value. At 35 years old with a graduate degree, a successful career as a commercial artist, and with numerous other talents, I still cringed every time I looked in the mirror. I had tried in the past to address my complete lack of self-esteem & self-confidence but nothing seemed to work. I saw an unattractive, fat, stupid, timid woman whose only tenuous chance for happiness lay in clinging to a man who could fill the void I felt in my soul.

Because the wounds I had carried my entire life had turned me into a person with a negative outlook on life, I drew tragedy to me like a magnet. I thought about the worst and the worst would occur on cue. I knew something had to change or I would die unhappy, alone and caught up in some dreadful crisis. I realized I had to learn to like myself or I would never be able to achieve my goals. That's what led me to investigating self confidence, happiness & self esteem on the Internet. It was a lucky day when I found Think Right Now!

I had already read scores of books on the topic which although helpful did not curb my daily routine of mental abuse. I had been a member of your email newsletter for about a month, but because my new job didn't start until next month I was very low on cash.
So in a bold move of generosity, my dear friend bought me the three programs I most wanted (Real Self Esteem Now, Supreme Confidence Now and Infinite Joy Now) as an early Christmas present. Needless to say I was thrilled!

I awoke the first morning after listening to your "Real Self Esteem Now" program, feeling better than I had in months. It was as if a weight had been lifted from my mind and my soul's hemorrhaging has slowed if not stopped. I felt energetic and motivated, actually almost giddy. I was able to get all my Christmas shopping & present wrapping done which I had dreading because I couldn't afford to spend lavishly as I normally do. Despite my fiscal limitations, I actually enjoyed Christmas shopping more than I ever had. I sang carols in the mall and smiled at strangers - something I never ever do. I felt positively luminous!

Over the next several days, I rotated my programs and began to truly see amazing changes in myself. I felt like a new person and it felt so natural and wonderful that it was almost hard to see the connection between how I felt & how dedicated I was to playing the programs. Then something amazing happened! The man who took the
time to tell me to change my life before it was too late came back telling me he missed me terribly and that he hoped we could start a new business together (we belong to the same industry) and are close friends.

Although I didn't have the money to start the venture, out of the blue my brother asked if I wouldn't like to pursue my own business rather than taking the job I was waiting to start. He then offered to loan me the needed start up capital! Changes started happening minute by minute. New opportunities presented themselves and I felt like a kid in a candy store. The abundance was almost embarrassing. I started hearing from old friends who told me I was someone they always admired for my sweetness & kindness. Lots of men began to ask me out on dates. I was offered a flood of new jobs, when originally I had only one single offer of employment. And best of all, the man who helped me to see I needed to change my life through his tough love, asked if he could spend Christmas with me!

I feel like I have a brand new life and it's a life filled with opportunity instead of darkness. I feel like things will go my way instead of worrying what unwanted event I will have to "survive" next. I can't tell you how I am looking forward to the future. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thanks Mike for all that you do. You saved my life.

Nikole Johnson, NY


Order Supreme Confidence Now!


Greetings Mike!

On November 6th 2005 I purchased your program "Supreme Confidence Now".

What I was really interested in at the time was your "Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now" program, but the "Supreme Confidence Now" program was being offered at a sale price and the description mentioned some anxiety relief benefits so I thought I'd try the cheaper one first... just in case it didn't work. The fact is that I have had anxiety disorder for just over five years. I have gotten progressively/slowly better over the last two years using cognitive therapy, prayer, and repeated positive affirmation, but I still had a lot of problems with being easily overwhelmed, especially in social situations. Of course my self-confidence and confidence about life in general has really suffered after all the years of not being myself, and living with the limitations anxiety disorder can impose on one's life.

The program was shipped to me much faster than I had expected (a pleasant surprise since I was eager to give it a try), and from that day, each and every night at bedtime (without fail) I have played this program for about six weeks so far.

I have to tell you, after only a week or so of listening to that program, my reactions to life began to change for the better!!! It began that I was feeling a bit more confident in general and a little less anxious in public/social situations. Then after a couple more weeks of listening, the changes became more pronounced. I started feeling adventurous and got the travel bug! I haven't traveled in years so this was a huge improvement. We are now planning a trip to Missouri next month! I have also become more confident with my decision-making. I don't get overwhelmed over the details like I have for so long... Oh man - how do you spell relief? I don't get all tied in a knot over "have to do's" anymore, and I have more follow-through. Well I'm going to continue to listen to this program, I Love It!!! I plan to buy a few more in the future. I now expect and look forward to more positive changes the more I LISTEN!

To tell you the truth I didn't expect all of these changes... I didn't expect anything at all, BUT I was still hopeful. So, to my pleasant and amazed surprised I SEE in myself that your products really do work... and it has been effortless! I can't really explain to you in words how much these changes really mean to me, but I can send you a heartfelt THANK YOU for all your wonderful work in creating this product! And oh, I also wanted to mention that the woman's voice on the program is very pleasant and easy to listen to, and I do hope you will continue to include her in the creation of your future programs!

Namaste and Best Wishes,

Sundee Bourret, AZ

Dear Mike,

I came across your website while I was doing an internet search at work a couple of months ago. I was suffering from serious depression at the time. I had not been diagnosed by a doctor, because I didn't see the point in being given a load of potentially dangerous drugs to take, to ease my symptoms but create other problems. At least I had that much sense! I think the main root of my depression was a sense of purposelessness. It's not that I didn't believe I was valuable as a person but I felt like I had been stuck in a rut for years. I was frustrated. All the jobs I had done since graduation I hated and I felt like I was running out of options fast. I didn't know what else I could try and I got to the point where I felt like I was on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

I must admit that I was a bit dubious of your products to start with, so I just subscribed to your newsletter. At the same time, I started doing what I could to sort out the depression. I cut out all the extra things, aside from my work, which I felt were draining me or ultimately weren't helping me: activities I was involved in, not because I wanted to be, but because I felt "obliged" out of a false sense of duty, and even some relationships. I went back to reading the gospels on a daily basis. I also signed up for a few classes which I will start in the new year (acting and creative writing) to give myself a creative outlet to counter the boredom that I had lapsed into in my everyday life.

At this point, I started feeling more optimistic about life and my place in it, even though I was still much drained. I ordered "Supreme Confidence Now!" as I felt that lack of confidence was probably one of the reasons I'd got stuck in a rut in the first place. I've been listening to it most nights at bedtime for something like 3-4 weeks now and, over that period of time, I have seen my mental attitude and moods lift quite dramatically. I've started to get my personality back. My husband has noticed that I'm more playful and "have a spark in my eyes". I believe your programme has played a major part in helping me to trust myself and my ability to make decisions about my life. Before, I used to make decisions and then, because I was afraid of making mistakes, question them until I confused myself into a state of mental paralysis. Now I feel empowered to recognise and dismiss unhelpful thoughts instead of being a victim. I've become less of a perfectionist. I've also started being happier at work and, although I ultimately don't want to work in an office job, I've been taking things a lot less seriously and have been enjoying interacting with work colleagues and thinking about others rather than just myself.

I got so excited about the changes and the possibilities of using your programmes that I have already ordered and received "Infinite Joy Now!" because I want to get as far away from the depression mindset as I can get. I will also be ordering "Win Friends and Influence People" and "Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now" - for a friend of mine.
Many thanks for you're putting these programmes together in a way that makes it so easy to assimilate. Learning has never been so easy!

Merry Christmas!
Nicola Packett, UK

Order Supreme Confidence Now!

Dear Mike,

I purchased the Supreme Confidence CD. My 84 yr old aunt is staying with us, she has Alzheimer's. She didn't want to get out of bed, didn't want to eat much, and didn't want to watch TV or listen to the radio. She just wanted to lay there. She complained about everything. She looked stressed out all the time, worried, thinking about bad thoughts. It was a chore to get her to come down stairs to eat with us, but she would.

I thought I would try an experiment and played your program for her overnight. Well, the oddest thing - she woke up early, came down and was talking to us like she was almost normal again. She was talkative, joking, smiling, and asking questions. It was unbelievable to see the change in her.

Thank you,
Nancy Santiago


Hi, I am so excited!! I am a self-employed sales person in the direct selling industry. Just a few short months ago, my life was very different. In October I was sending out resumes to go work for someone else. The past year was terrible. Low sales, low recruiting, and I was making a car payment on a car that was supposed to be free (I was not making quotas, so had to pay!). My husband, understandably so, was sick of me and my business. My self esteem and value was at an all time low. The last few days of October I was going through some emails and ran across your information in another newsletter. I clicked on it, listened to some of the "You're Telling Me" and decided to order. What did I have to lose at this point? If I didn't like what I heard, I could send it back and get a refund. I ordered Accelerated Sales Success Now! And Supreme Confidence Now! As soon as they came I listened to them all night with a pillow speaker. The first couple of nights I didn't fall asleep right away, but after that I would fall right to sleep and so they just played all night while my head was on the pillow. I was amazed at what happened to me. In November, I sold over $2,000 in one week and also made my quota for my company car (yeah, no car payment!). In December I only had 2 weeks to work since I was going out of town - in those 2 weeks I sold over $3100. The great part is that I make 1/2 of what I sell!!!

When I came home from my vacation I could not believe all of the wonderful things that were happening to me. It was one miracle after another! My commission check in January (for building a team) was over $1,800, it had been running around $300-$500. I am thinking differently - I expect success & great things to happen to me every day of my life!!! Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into researching for all of your Think Right Now Programs. I'm grateful & I'm building my library of programs!!! This stuff is invaluable!

Janet Stevens, MO

Dear Mike,

I have always been an extremely shy person and some personal tragedies made me even more shy. I was excellent in my studies, but I was afraid of going in front of the students in my class. I would get very nervous for my seminars and job interviews were very hard to face. Then one day I was searching and I found your web site. I hesitated on ordering because friends had told me that the internet was filled with deceitful people that I shouldn't trust. But I closed my eyes and posted the order.

I received your Supreme Confidence Now program. I started listening to your program at night before sleep and I not only noticed its effect but my friends did too. They said that I WAS changing because I started looking people in the eye when I talk to them.  I am able to endure criticism. My tension and inner anxiety have gone.

My general hesitation has gone, and my nervous habits of shivering and rubbing my hands have disappeared. I can feel myself becoming the most confident person in my country.

Mike, you helped me a lot. I have gotten a good job as a Network Engineer at a Pakistani bank. This site is the best and I love your products. I feel like rock - hurrah, I am the most confident person! I have also purchased Win Friends and Influence People Now. Thank you.

M. Ismail Khan, Pakistan


I use your programs in a variety of ways - I use them at night when I go to bed, sometimes allowing the program to quietly repeat throughout the night. I also enjoy using the Think Right Now Programs when I am washing dishes or doing other general housework while playing the programs on a standard CD player and alternately sometimes using a Walkman CD player and headphones as I move throughout my home. I carry my pack of CD's when I leave the house and play them in my car as I drive or on my laptop computer when I'm at Starbucks or Borders. I have even used the headphone/Walkman options while taking long walks or shopping.

Initially I started with your "Freedom From Depression Now" program, the changes were subtle but undeniable. Just being able to awaken early in the morning with a desire to greet the day was a stunning change, as I related in a previous e-mail..

But by the time I ordered the Unstoppable Motivation Now! , Financial Abundance Now! , and Supreme Confidence Now! programs, I was in need of much more.

Early last summer, I had over $2,000, credit cards, and car keys stolen from me. Checks bounced, creditors called, and I was struggling to keep an older vehicle running while looking for a way to miraculously produce $1,300 to replace the keys and security system to my newer vehicle. Boy was I overwhelmed. It was hard to think straight and figure out what to do. Who to pay first? So much to take care of, so little to go around. I began to stick my head in the ground so to speak and do nothing. Day after day past, as I accomplished little to nothing, and the money problems mounted.

I am happy to report, that I am well on my way to digging out of my deep, dark pit. By listening to your programs, I have actually been able to grasp that I CAN accomplish great things, one step at a time. I DO have the time and energy to keep putting one step in front of the other and to keep making progress. I am no longer a victim of my circumstances, but am in control of my own destiny. It's a great feeling to think that when I look back at all that I've been through, I'll be able to recognize that I'm the one who used my own God-given talents and abilities to make good decisions and turn my circumstances around. Everything I've needed has been at my disposal all along.

I am still digging out of the financial pit, but the worst is behind me. I was able to save my home from foreclosure and am moving forward to pay down the other bills, create new sources of income, and judiciously spend the money I already have.

I sometimes am able to listen to 2-3 different programs per day. Sometimes I pick one program and listen to it twice a day every other day. I don't have a set program, other than that I'm certain to continue my exposure to this positive and motivating material on a regular basis. I find that the programs overlap tremendously - each program is effective in lifting the fog of depression. Making strides financially provides tremendous levels of motivation and confidence.

I was particularly concerned at one point, because I some my daughters begin to mimic my behaviors - sleep patterns, lack of focus and motivation in caring for self or surroundings, disregard for deadlines and requests. I wanted to make changes in me so that I could be a better example and an encouragement to them. Thanks for making this possible.

Annette Yunker,Virginia

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My name is Mark and I am writing you today because I would like to share my story with you. I have been suffering from anxiety/depression for most of my teenage and adult life. It was after I was in very serious car accident (that left me in a month long coma) when most of my issues took hold. I struggled everyday with suicidal thoughts and depression. It was by chance that I am still alive today.

My wife started listening to your programs about 6 months ago. She plays them every night as we both sleep. At first I thought she had lost her mind (and was taking mine with her) by playing them all the time. Now, however I am becoming a believer that they really can help anyone (even those who don't consciously choose to listen... :)

Now that I have been listening to Supreme Confidence every night I am starting to feel the benefits. My mood is improving and I am feeling better about my overall self. I notice that I am happier at my job and I am not as easily annoyed (for lack of a better term).

I have noticed my self esteem rising. After the accident, I had a lot of guilt about what had happened (my best friend was killed along with another friend being seriously injured). I really did not feel like I was supposed to live or really should be allowed to live and that really took a toll on my sense of self. After listening to the statements on the program, I am now beginning to see that I do still matter in this world and I have a purpose to be here (even though I still don't fully know why some days).

I feel a little better everyday now that I hear the statements over and over. I don't think I could have ever made myself think the positive thoughts that I hear on the program just by reading a book or a piece of paper. One example of how I have improved is that I used to have major mood swings (so much so that the doctor wanted to put me on serious mind altering medication). Now though, my wife has noticed that I am happier and more "even" throughout the day and I even get more things done. I used to want to sleep the day away. Now I feel more energized to get up and get on with it. I plan to use your programs for the rest of my life and I would not be in this place without my wife or without your help! I know I am still on earth for a reason and maybe someday it will all make sense.

I hope to continue on my path to wellness. Thank you for giving us all a second chance at life. You have helped a lot of people I am sure!



Hi Mike,

I have long tried to find sources of motivation for my job and my goals and stumbled upon your site. I got your book and as soon as I read the first chapter, it was unbelievable. I would reflect upon the essence of each chapter and I began to notice changes.

It was after getting to the middle of your book that I finally decided to purchase three of your products: Setting and Achieving Goals Now, Financial Abundance Now, and Supreme Confidence Now.

I mainly use Setting & Achieving Goals and Supreme Confidence at night while I play all three programs during the day when I'm in my office. I have to say that they are powerful indeed. I noticed uneasiness on my part after about a week. Whenever I would be positive about issues I have with my job, my frustrations with non-accomplished goals, and my life in general, I would have stronger negative sentiments. There seemed to be a struggle within myself. I was having a hard time avoiding being sarcastic at people and pessimistic about situations.

You see Mike, I handle technical operations for my employer, and projects and people are my main responsibility. I'm sure you know, managing a diverse group of individuals never comes easy...

Now, after more than a month of listening to Supreme Confidence Now and Setting and Achieving Goals Now at night, I start my day by planning my itinerary unlike before. I make sure I greet everyone at the office good morning with a smile. In the past four critical deadlines for our projects, I did not panic and was able to manage the group to meet each and every deadline even if delays were caused by a client. I also noticed I shut-up more often now instead of criticizing people. I haven't been put down as much as before when I get chewed out by my boss. Everyday seems easier and something to be appreciated at the end of it. So far so good, I have not had any conflicts with anyone in the office. I hope to progress a lot more as I definitely have a long way to go in improving myself. Thanks to your audio programs Mike, I am better equipped to do that.
I worry a lot less than before.

I have started to save more aggressively from my salary. My wife also noticed I do a lot more chores now than I ever did before. I owe any improvements I have gone through to you Mike, and I am looking forward to more. You have proven me wrong as I went from being a disbeliever to a fan of yours.

Thank you,
Joel Bonzon -Philippines

Greetings Mike!

Just wanted to let you know what an outstanding program Supreme Confidence Now! is and how it's putting me on the fast track to success.

First of all, even though I have experienced tremendously positive results with your Think Right Now programs in the past, I must confess, I felt a bit let down when I first read the script for Supreme Confidence Now! "Everyone doesn't like me and I'm OK with that"? What happened to "I'm 10 feet tall and bullet proof"? Well it took me less than two weeks to realize that your solid foundation of practical, yet powerful winner's traits beats the hocus pocus wishy washiness hand over fist!

I received your program on February 4 and listened to it that night as I slept. I continued a program of daily listening during my commute to and from work, my lunch hour and any other time I could listen discreetly in the background, and of course, at night as I slept. In addition, I had the script penetrating my subconscious mind visually via Think Right Now for windows.

Prior to working with Supreme Confidence Now, I found it almost impossible to make eye contact with most people I came in contact with. My performance at work was becoming progressively lackluster at work, to the point where I felt like I was in a rut that would never be able to break free of. After about two weeks of listening, I started to notice small, subtle changes in my behavior. My energy level increased. I picked up after myself and became more meticulous about my personal surroundings. I smiled much more often. I engaged people in conversation. So many more "little" things. And I noticed distinct changes in how people reacted to me! I continued my program, and my personal and work life continued to flourish.

Fast forward to March 8th. This particular day was a company luncheon celebrating my boss's 25th anniversary with the company. When we arrive at the luncheon, instinctively I sit at the table with my boss, her direct boss, and the president of our company, whom I had only met once before. Two months ago, I would have automatically found my way to a table with the rest of the 'underlings'. They even joked about me sitting at the grownup's table.

To make a long story short, I was confident, self assured and engaged, and inspired by the accomplishments of my boss and the greatness of my company. Not even a week later, my boss offered me a promotion, my first in over two years with the company! Needless to say, I'm on cloud nine and excited to continue my ever improving, ever evolving work in progress.

Thank you so much Mike, and everyone at Think Right Now International for all you have done.

Warm regards,

Marcus Jerkins, DC

Order Supreme Confidence Now!

I listen each night when falling asleep. Since I've received "Supreme Confidence Now" I've set my timer to continuously loop the CD program for two hours each night. I listen to the affirmations while I get ready for work in the morning. I've been using these programs for several months. I've used "Eating For Excellent Health Now!" and "Freedom From Depression Now!" off and on and felt some improvement, but I had a hard time really committing to them. (Serious depression makes it hard to do what you need to do). I've been listening to "Supreme Confidence Now!" since it came in the past few weeks and the changes have been unbelievable!

The benefits are astounding. I've had more energy. I've had more motivation. I've been calmer. I've had very little trouble sticking to my healthy eating goals, and have seen my binge eating nearly disappear despite a stressful work project. My mood has improved so dramatically that I'm scheduling a doctor's appointment to go off of my anti-depressant. I've been sleeping less and still have oodles of energy. I've had a HUGE project at work to complete in too little time and I've taken it in stride. In fact, I am very proud of the results. I've exceeded my expectations and my boss's expectations of what we could accomplish. I've spent more time on my appearance. I've gotten some exercise every day (most days after a full work day). Then in the evenings I've been a whirlwind of activity at home. It is so amazing!!! At first I didn't attribute the changes to the program. I figured I was having a couple of good days. But now that it has been every day, I've realized it is the program. The changes are absolutely fantastic. I can't wait to see how much better and better my life becomes as I continue playing this program. Thank you for your hard work!!!

Thank you and many blessings to you!
Lori Manning, TX

I own "I Love Exercising Now!"; "Eating for Excellent Health Now!"; "Real Self-Esteem Now!"; "Supreme Confidence Now!"; "Dissolving Panic & Anxiety Now!"; "Setting & Achieving Goals Now!"; "Unstoppable Motivation Now!"; "Instant Diet Power"; "Instant Workout Power"; "Win Friends & Influence People Now!" and Think Right Now! for Windows. I listen to one of the programs every night. I have "Supreme Confidence Now!" and "Unstoppable Motivation Now!" in my car and Think Right Now! for Windows at work on the computer with the info from all of the above on it.

Where do I begin??? Looking at the list above you'd think I was a mess to start with, but I think it was curiosity that sold me on the first program. I knew from education and my own studies the power of affirmations and repetition. I would wake up in the morning feeling different. My life got better and better. I kept buying more programs. But how was it better? Well, I found myself answering people with lines from different programs or, more importantly, talking to myself with lines I had heard.

I can do anything I put my mind to.
I'm worthy of praise and rewards.
If I can dream it, I can do it.

And I started to believe it. So I tried new things and little by little I found myself getting excited about getting up the next day. I was happy all the time. People would comment about how "together" I was. When my son's girlfriend was having some problems she said she wanted to be more like me so I had you send her "Real Self Esteem Now!" and "Dissolving Panic & Anxiety Now!" Anyways it is hard to be specific because it seems to come so easy. I smile more. I look at situations and know I can make a positive impact. I've lost weight. I joined a gym and a wonderful yoga class.

I am happy with my life and I don't know what more any program could do. When I tell people how I listen every night, they seem skeptical. But people were skeptical of the telephone and television too at one time!

Linda Czerkies, NY


Hello Mike and Others,

I wanted to provide you with an "unusual" and wonderful experience I have had as a result of using your programs.

As a result of experiencing a severe mental/emotional disturbance about 10 years ago I have been seriously undertaking self help processes in an attempt to bring myself back to "life." Help for mental illness is virtually non existent in Australia unless you are filthy rich and can afford the $100 to $200 per hour charged by psychologists and higher for psychiatrists. My experience is that mental illness usually coincides with a bout of financial drought at the same time. Funny about that! I had been very successful in business until this episode occurred. The money disappeared very quickly after that.

I eventually came to understand that my thoughts were creating my life and therefore were creating my problem. Unfortunately, mental illness creates (or is caused by) a constant barrage of very negative, self critical, non conscious thoughts 24/7. No matter what I tried to do - meditation, chanting, visualizing, writing goals, subliminal training, hypnosis, etc, etc, etc - nothing could stop these thoughts constantly pounding my brain with their negative message.

Happily, I recently found your web site and everything has now changed for the better. I started with "Setting & Achieving Goals Now." Then I went to "Supreme Confidence" & "Dissolving Panic & Anxiety, Now." I used these programs for 1 or 2 months each and now I use them all together in "mix and match" mode throughout the day (I have a lot of free time) and cycle them one at a time each night. I am definitely feeling much better and I have been able to get myself back into "active" mode by teaching computer skills courses for seniors as a volunteer. I have also successfully commenced an investment program that I can run over the internet. The "Inner Critic" has been reduced to a dull roar and I can now consciously intervene when it gets too tough or won't shut up. I have found that in stressful situations, which I had to walk away from before, I now have a calmer voice to call on and I feel a lot more balanced and less inclined to have a brain storm of going over and over the conversations and all the possible variants in my head. In the past, these episodes could last for 3 days without a letup. This is good, but read on for the big leap forward!

About 4 week's ago I ordered and received "Win Friends & Influence People, Now." Within 2 weeks, my "old" girlfriend (in both senses of the word "old" as I am 65 and she is 55.) has come rocking back into my life. This happened after a break of more than 12 months and I thought our relationship was well and truly over for good. We are now deep in the process of enjoying the most loving and perfect relationship you could ever imagine. It is pure bliss.

The point I would want to make: Major changes can occur in unexpected ways and sometimes in an area of life that we may not immediately be looking at improving. I started my journey to improve the quality of my life in material as well as emotional terms. Although the material side is improving more slowly - a work in progress - the emotional side of my life has taken this great and wonderful leap forward. I accept this aspect as an indication of major success as a result of using your material. There is not a doubt in mind (and there was until this wonderful outcome) that the other things that I am working on to further improve my life are definitely "happening" albeit more slowly than my "critic" would want.

To those who are also dealing with the demons of an incessant Inner Critic I would say, "Keep pushing the 'play' button just like Mike says. It may take time, sometimes years, but it really works."

I have a carousal cd player and I play all my cds mentioned above for all of the day that I am home as well as playing one only during the night.

Thank you Mike and best wishes.

Stuart, Australia

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Mike Brescia's straight talk about health, business & success in life


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