"Without Healthy
You Could Have 'Everything' But
Your Life Could Still Be A Wreck" |
Real Self-Esteem Now!
and Real Self-Esteem Now! (9-13) are, by far, the most important programs we offer... |
...because who you believe you are is the foundation for everything you will do and experience in your lifetime.
...because you evaluate all you see and do through "self-esteem-colored" glasses.
I have clients who are multi-millionaires, admired, famous, attractive, powerful...
But in spite of all their outer "success," many have felt unfulfilled, empty, unworthy of their accomplishments... in therapy and on heavy anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds.
You see, the outer stuff does not and can not give you a truly healthy self-image.
Nor can it give you happiness or peace of mind.
And in so many ways, a poor self image can literally prevent you from achieving and even setting goals that could make your life an accomplishment-filled wondrous adventure.
Your self-esteem is an ever flowing reflection of what you think about yourself on the inside and what you do on the outside.
And without high (or healthy) self-esteem, you could have many types of outer success and lucky breaks, but be one tragedy or mishap away from a complete emotional breakdown... even suicide. You may not even be a person that many people enjoy being around.
Ideally, a healthy self-image should begin development when we're children. But few of us get this critical training from anyone skilled at teaching it. So almost everyone you'll ever meet has tremendous deficiencies when it comes to how they see themselves... and their actions reflect it.
Dear Mike,
I can’t thank you enough for providing the resources to turn my life around and I thank God for leading me to your website!! I purchased and have been listening to your “Real Self Esteem”, CD for the past several months and WOW, I feel like I have my life back and it’s better than it has ever been.
Three years ago, I left a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. After being married for 24 years, I finally decided that if I didn’t make a change in my life, the stress, anxiety and fear would have me debilitated before my 45th birthday.
I had been seeing counselors to try to help be able to accept myself as a worthwhile human being, to help me free myself from the fear and anxiety that I still felt but didn’t understand. I wanted to be able to make a decision without the repercussions of always being wrong. One day I was searching for information on self esteem and I found your web site. What a blessing!! I made a decision to purchase the CD and it was definitely the right decision.
I started listening to the “Self Esteem” CD first and the first three nights. The anxiety went away and I relaxed. Deep down, I must have had a strong desire to want to change my life. I listened every night and never told anyone about it. After about a month with the CDs, close friends and family began making comments to me about how they saw positive changes in me. I began to communicate with others rather than sitting quietly and never talking and I was confident and stood tall. I continue to listen to your CDs at night and I feel like a whole person again. I am not afraid to be around other people one on one, in small groups or in large groups. In fact I have joined a civic organization and actually look forward to going to meetings and events rather than dreading them and getting nervous as I did before. I have been freed to talk about my situation and help others in similar relationships. I have set goals for myself, starting with small ones first and it is amazing to me how I am being able to accomplish them and find success that I never believed was possible for me. I could go on and on but the bottom line is that these CD’s are incredible. Thank you Mike! You have helped me and many others get their lives back and find peace within themselves. I think, feel and act differently than I have in a long time and I am happier than I have ever been. This is a wonderful experience!
Pam C., Minnesota
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Now! Successes |
So what is self-esteem, and how can Real Self-Esteem Now! improve yours?
Dr. Nathaniel Branden, the father of the concept of self-esteem, has an expanded two-fold definition. And I can't think of a better one.
He defines self-esteem as:
1- Confidence in our ability to think and in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life; and
2- Confidence in our right to be successful and happy, the feelings of being worthy, deserving, entitled to assert our needs and wants, achieve our values and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.
Our own research of all the published texts and studies on the issue of esteem has led me to examine the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of many people. And aside from obvious cultural differences, the wide range of behaviors, in all settings, from one person to the next within a culture can almost always be traced back to the beliefs about and the value people place on themselves.
Our self-concept affects practically every single thing about each one of us from the time we're small children till the day we die.
When we have long-term problems in our careers, our physical and mental health and in our relationships, it is most always due to the quality of our decisions and actions, which can practically always be traced back to our self-esteem.
Conversely, our achievements in all areas of our lives can also be traced back to how we see ourselves.
That is why I say that Real Self-Esteem Now! is our most important program...
And why I believe that everyone alive should own this program.
Dear Mike,
About 21 years ago I was homeless and living in a shelter for
abused women with my two young daughters, ages 3 and 5. I had
gone from an abusive family situation with an alcoholic father
and bi-polar mother into an abusive marriage. I met my 2nd
husband while I was staying in the women's shelter. That
marriage didn't work either and I ended up a single mom again,
this time with three children.
After my 2nd divorce I began to realize that I had been
depressed most of my life, beginning in my childhood and that
had contributed to me making poor choices in my relationships.
I tried medication and therapy and that helped somewhat, but I
didn't like how the medication made me feel, so I started to
explore alternatives such as exercise, vitamins, herbal
supplements and homeopathy.
All these things have contributed to improving my mental state
and I still use them, but I think the thing that helped me the
most was listening to your audio tape,
Freedom from Depression Now.
Since that first tape I listened to some many years ago, I have
also purchased many other tapes from your company. As I became
less depressed, I was able to get better paying jobs, but
realized I was lacking in self-confidence and had low self-
esteem. I purchased Real Self-Esteem Now! And Supreme Confidence
As I gained confidence, I was given more responsibilities in my
job. I realized that I was kind of disorganized and didn't
always manage my time well, so I ordered Effective Time
Management Now and I am Organized Now. I am not very organized
naturally but the tapes have helped me to be better organized
and more efficient. I am currently listening to Infinite Joy
Now every night when I go to bed
I now own a house on 17-acres of land and I am a successful
fundraiser for one of the top conservation organizations in the
country. If one measures success by m.oney, my salary has more
than doubled in the last 6 years and probably tripled since I
started listening to first tape many years ago. However, the
thing I am most proud of about is that I own my own home and my
son is doing well in high school.
I'd say I've come along way since being homeless and later
living in subsidized housing. I believe I owe a lot of my
success to Think Right Now audio programs.
Katherine Edelen, WV
More Real Self-Esteem
Now! Successes |
How can it help you?
To begin, Real Self-Esteem Now! is structured like all our Accelerated Success Conditioning programs. One right after another, with triple repetition, each re-patterning statement is designed to condition one of 22 core mental patterns that make up our experience of life (see home page for details).
Real Self-Esteem Now! is the culmination of analyzing and cataloging the findings of 40+ years of self-esteem research all over the world. Essentially we melted down the inner experience of those people who exhibit, both inside and outside, what can be described as healthy self-esteem. These are valid across all cultural and religious variances.
There is no other program like Real Self-Esteem Now! in existence.
Almost immediately you'll be hearing hundreds of mental re-patterning statements aimed at wiping out the patterns of thought which contribute to, and are a result of, low self-esteem.
These new patterned thoughts will help you to:
- Forgive yourself for whatever crap you've done or imagined you've done
- Forgive others who've done all kinds of rotten things to you
- Let go of:
- Addictive pleasure seeking (at all costs) thoughts & behaviors
- Arrogance and conceit
- Jealousy
- Harmful anger
- Blaming other people or situations for your problems
- Pettiness
- Selfishness
- Laziness
- Prejudice
- Dishonesty (lying, cheating, stealing)
- Fear of rejection...
- Negative reactions to/fear of criticism/necessary feedback
- And many, many other programmed thoughts and behaviors that don't support you in leading a happy, productive life.
Most sources of information on self-esteem only focus on the symptoms of poor self-esteem, providing no high probability plan to improve someone's self-image. But Real Self-Esteem Now! takes those symptoms and uses the same Accelerated Learning format used in all our programs to release the patterns that lead to them.
Look at the list above again...
If you regularly exhibit some or many of these characteristics and habits, you shouldn't wonder why you've got low self-esteem... and do things that drive you and others around you crazy with frustration and/or anger.
C'mon. Admit it. The beliefs that lead to these harmful habits as well as the actual emotions themselves can and do make you feel bad about yourself.
But take heart...
Because not only does Real Self-Esteem Now! (and RSEN! for kids 9-13) work to magically strip you of these esteem-destroying patterns, but at the same time, it positively hammers away at you to accept and embrace new empowering, positive, life enhancing thought and beliefs about yourself, your abilities and your place in the world. |
The New Patterns |
While the old negative societal programming is being systematically conditioned out of you, Real Self-Esteem Now! aggressively works to install these powerful esteem building new patterns:
Character - honesty, integrity, genuineness (you walk your talk), strength in your decision making, honor, living by an upright set of principles
When you own these inner characteristics on all levels, you and everyone around you will know it, absolutely.
Keep hitting the 'play' button on your audio player as prescribed, an you'll be infused with them.
Optimism - You'll live as if each day is a gift, your mind will open to benefits of achievement, you'll believe that things will work out.
Accomplishment orientation - You'll be coached that you are now a conscientious, hard worker, that you do your share, and take care to do things right, that you seek out and take advantage of available opportunities. The more things that you are good at and the more challenging goals you reach, the more opportunities you have to feel good about yourself.
Joy - You'll repetitiously hear that you take extreme pleasure in your accomplishments, that you feel a deep sense of peace in doing your best in all situations, that your successes motivate you to keep going, that you are comfortable with being recognized for what you achieve in life.
You'll be immersed in the beliefs that you are happy to be alive, that you live with enthusiasm, that you are adventurous.
Mistakes, setbacks, challenges and "problems" - Yours won't phase you, you shrink them down, learn every shred you can from each one and go forward undeterred even more determined and more skillful than before; you don't judge yourself by impossible standards, you just do your best, and happily live as an imperfect being. You'll be getting programmed to instinctively see problems and challenges as opportunities to learn, grow and get ahead, and that no matter how hopeless others may feel, you stay optimistic.
Just like a battering ram that eventually destroys a gate that blocks the way, these new beliefs will hammer away at your old, established ones. And just like that battering ram that, with persistence, will knock the gate down, Real Self-Esteem Now! will help to replace your weak thoughts and beliefs with new affirming, powerful ones.
When these are the patterns (both above and below) that describe you, then you will be one happy person! |
Cheryl Anderson of British Columbia, Canada was married at 16 to a physically abusive man who stalked her until she literally had to be flown to safety to get away from him. Recently, she was compelled to report her daughter in-law for child abuse, which resulted in not being allowed to see her grandchildren. At this point, she ordered Real Self-Esteem Now!
"They've done miracles for me as far as how I feel about myself... they've definitely made an improvement in my life."
Listen to a few segments of Cheryl's interview.
Get new "You're Telling Me!" interviews emailed to you each week
- Cheryl Anderson, BC, Canada
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Now! Successes |
Friendships/relationships - You support other people, you feel comfortable with all kinds of people, you spend time with wonderful, loving, supportive, kind, happy, intelligent people.
Your brain will be directed to believe that you are worthy of having great relationships with terrific people, that you are a valuable friend to others, that anyone would be lucky to have a friend like you, that people like you instantly, that you love people and that showing affection is easy for you
Side note: Have you ever noticed that when you smile at someone, they usually smile back? Well, when you treat people the way they want to be treated, they'll reciprocate, and guess what? Right! You'll feel tremendous about yourself, and on a grander scale, tremendous about living.
Real Self-Esteem Now!, as you are beginning to see, is not some silly "I like myself, I like myself, I like myself," program that asks you to tell yourself you're wonderful no matter what.
No... It's a holistic program that intelligently treats you as a whole person who has many facets to your life.
And it's all these areas that intertwine and affect each other that dictates how high or low your self image is at any point in time. RSEN! is a program built on the assumption that if you think good thoughts but don't do anything, then you will NOT change, and nothing will change in your life.
So in addition to feeling confident, you'll be directed to do the things that build confidence and a growing appreciation of yourself.
And all you have to do is keep hitting the 'play' button on your audio player in the easy prescribed manner.
Want to see more? Excellent!
Here are more critical patterns that will become hardwired into you with repeated playing of Real Self-Esteem Now!:
Discipline - Your mind will be drenched with thoughts that you are determined to reach your strongest desires, patient when you need to be, self-motivated and strong-willed.
Leadership - You have leadership qualities and skills, you exercise whatever authority you have effectively, fairly and with respect for others and you are organized and worthy of being followed.
Hey, if you have authority/control over anyone else, it's critical that you see yourself as a good and effective leader... because if you don't, no one else will either.
Learning - Life doesn't stand still. So you'll be liberally peppered with thoughts that you love to learn... constantly. You are always trying to figure things out, testing your memory, developing your mind and skills so that you will always be highly valued no matter what stage of your life you are in.
Do you want to own these characteristics? Then all you need to do is keep hitting the 'play' button! |
Side note: If you are reading this, thinking that all this great stuff isn't true about you, well... no kidding. Installing new thoughts is how you'll change so quickly compared to the slow, painful and ineffective process of change you've lived with your whole life. Think about it.
When a person changes habits, it only occurs when their internal dialog changes. It only occurs when you get fed up and start telling yourself to do the something different.
Well, this program is designed to change your moment by moment internal discussions with yourself to be what they have to be for you to start getting what you want, pertaining to the subject of the audio. And when the right attitudes come instantaneously, automatically without even having to think about them, then you've succeeded.
Let's keep going... Real Self-Esteem Now! is a very thorough behavior modification program. You'll want to know all about it.
Action orientation - Action is necessary for high self-esteem to take hold and blossom. If you don't do anything, you can not feel very good about yourself. Agreed? That's why, in Real Self-Esteem Now!, you'll be programmed strongly to live with purpose and passion, to keep focused on moving and on being a doer in life.
You will come to believe in your ability to be a catalyst for positive change. You will see the action habit as critical and will focus on always being aware of your state of action/inaction... because so many people incorrectly think that when they get out of having to do some task, that they are better off... that they're smart and somehow won something.
But they lost HUGE. Because they watched it all come down. And they further cemented the self-image of a loser in their minds.
Giving of self and of resources - Another great way to build self-esteem. So you'll be flooded with thoughts that you are a person who gives of yourself in all situations, who shares your knowledge with people who want to know, who doesn't have a selfish bone in your body, who knows that you get more by sharing the goodness in your heart than you ever would by hoarding your resources and being greedy.
Health - Failing health, low energy and an out of shape, unattractive body is not the recipe for high self-esteem. So in , you'll be unceasingly directed to take care of your physical body. Your attitude will be directed to be that of someone who values your health, who considers the impact of your health on every other area of your life, and who is determined to do whatever it takes to be fit and healthy your entire life.
Anger - You'll be told that you've let go of destructive anger, that you use it only in healthy and constructive ways, that you are free of hatred, that your dissatisfaction with the way something is fuels your desire to help and to be all you can be instead of being angry or destructive.
Humor - What good is any kind of success in life if you can't completely enjoy it. Laughter is a powerful tonic that has proven in labs to create positive chemicals into your system that have the power to heal. You'll hear over and over that you are someone who enjoys life, who has the ability to bring joy and laughter to others, that you laugh easily and see the light side of even tense situations.
Demeanor - Your mind will be instructed to adopt and embrace the image of a person who is peaceful, calm collected, confident and in control. You'll be led to be at peace with your role in the world, to be accepting of the things you can't change. And in embracing these habitual emotions, the stress and craziness that may swirl around you every day simply won't affect you like it currently does.
Won't that be nice?
Time - Time is our most precious asset. But almost everyone tries to "kill" or "waste" it. The people we studied who value themselves the most, make their time worth a lot. This doesn't mean that you can never sit still... it means those with high self-esteem use their time to do what they love to do when not at work or filling some other duty. In addition, high self-esteem individuals tend to enjoy their routine tasks more than anyone else. They just have a way of putting a positive value on most everything.
So in Real Self-Esteem Now!, your point of view will be elevated so that you can also see something valuable in even the worst situations. This doesn't mean you won't feel pain. Just that you get over things faster, you get your tasks done a bit faster, tend to do things right without making lots of mistakes. |
"I've just crawled out from under my rock!"
"For the first time in 18 months I feel like I've just crawled out from under my rock!! I was in a very negative relationship for six years, following a very destructive divorce; I was left with low self esteem, low self confidence, anxiety, and depression!
I had been seeing a counselor for 3 months, when I happened across your website and I purchased your "Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now" and "Real Self Esteem Now." While waiting for the programs to arrive, I read the written scripts for eight days (Morning, noon and night).
I cannot believe the difference in my thoughts, already I feel more capable of managing my thoughts and feelings and my mood and energy seem to have rocketed beyond belief! Imagine how I'm going to feel after using the programs!!
I went to a festival at the weekend, met lots of new people, I felt totally at ease speaking to them. I recommended your programs to two complete strangers who wanted to know why I seemed so happy and self-confident!!! I have cancelled my counselor!"
- Tamara LeSauvage
More Real Self-Esteem
Now! Successes |
You know those directories in the middle of all big shopping malls that show a map of the mall, and on each one there's a place where it says, "You Are Here"?
Well, right now you are here.
Look again at the new beliefs, attitudes and action habits that Real Self-Esteem Now! is designed to install into you. If you see a lot of room for growth, then do what you know you should...
Get it now.
Real Self-Esteem Now! should be the starting point for all your future personal development work. The achievements you desire in life will come to you a whole lot easier and with less inner struggle if you feel like you are the right person for the job.
And without a healthy self-image, no outer success you may achieve in the future or even that you have right now will feel as good as it will if you truly feel you deserve it 100%.
Dear Mike,
About 8 months ago, I started a new job. I was thrilled, but I started wondering - what if I end up just as miserable at the new job as I have been at the old? So I went looking for ways to learn how to become happy and appreciate all that I've been blessed with, and that's how I found your website.
The first CD I ordered was "Infinite Joy Now!"
I would listen to it at night and I noticed the difference immediately. Every morning after a night that I had fallen asleep listening to the CD, I would wake up completely free of my usual morning crankiness, not minding that I had to get out of bed, looking forward to the day and expecting it to be pretty good! Quite a shift from the foggy, reluctant state of mind I usually had in the morning. I found myself randomly appreciating little things that I normally wouldn't notice (hey! the bus is on time! hey! look at those pretty flowers! etc.), and letting other little things slide that would normally annoy me. As someone who has struggled with depression and irritability pretty much my whole life... all the little changes added up to a lot of big differences in my outlook! These days, I listen to Infinite Joy almost every morning on my way to work, and on the days that I do, it usually ends up being a good day, despite any obstacles. Even if it doesn't - I don't mind that much. The program really helps me enjoy whatever comes my way.
A couple months later, I ordered Real Self-Esteem
and I Am Organized Now. The immediate changes in my life from listening to these two programs were even more
obvious. After just a couple of days of listening to Real Self-Esteem, I was meeting several new people per day. I work at a large university, so there are always many people around, but I had always kept to myself.
Now, suddenly, I was chatting with random people as if they were already my friends, and people were coming up to me to start conversations without me doing anything!
As for being organized, I can't even number the times since I got the "Organized" program that I've come up with things to do in my day-to-day life that have absolutely revolutionized my whole routine.
A couple examples: I started categorizing what I wrote in my journal and keeping the entries together by topic. I can finally find important information I've written down. I outfitted my apartment with shelves so that I can put away the books and papers that have been lying around, and I've gotten rid of boxes of stuff I no longer use. It still needs work, but it has come a long way, and I have your program and newsletters to thank.
It has also helped me immensely at work, where a big part of my job is keeping two other people organized. Files, project lists, spreadsheets - somehow it seems natural to me now to keep these things ordered, updated, and where they belong! I have learned so much about how to be organized in the past few months. The audio program and newsletters have given me the focus I need, and I wonder where I'd be right now if I hadn't found your website (buried in paper, most likely!).
Your programs really work. Absorbing them subconsciously helps tremendously, and I've also found that it's extremely helpful having that list of positive thoughts consciously in my mind. So many times when I find habitual negative thoughts popping up, I stop and ask myself if there's a thought from one of your audio programs that I can replace it with.
It's so freeing to have a whole menu of reassuring and productive thoughts to choose from, and to know that it is my choice and totally in my power to think those kinds of thoughts instead of the other kind.
Thanks for all your help, Mike. I'm so glad you decided to share your programs with the world.
Thanks, Mike - your programs are really amazing!
Danielle, PA
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And best of all... |
You Can Try It Risk-Free For 6 Months! |
Yes, Real Self-Esteem Now! is backed by a 100% Ironclad 6 Month Money Back Guarantee.
That means, you have 6 months to listen to the program as much as you like... or as much as you need. And if you are not satisfied for any reason, or no reason at all, simply return the program within 6 months and you will receive a full refund of the purchase price. There will be no questions asked and no hassles. Your decision to try this program is 100% risk free.
Listen: If you order now, today, I'm confident in just a few days you'll be on your way to developing a positive, healthy self-image... automatically and without effort. All you have to do is click on the link below that indicates the format you want, and I'll rush Real Self-Esteem Now! to you immediately!

Mike Brescia
Chief of Research
Think Right Now International |
P.S. By the way, in the opening of the letter I mentioned that you can develop confidence in your ability to cope with life's basic challenges and feel deserving of happiness. And that's absolutely true. Even as few as five or ten minutes a day will make an impact. However, like anything, the more you do it (listen) the faster you will improve. And with Real Self-Esteem Now! (like all our programs), it's quite easy to listen for hours a day, if you want. The reason being: You don't have to pay attention to what's being said for it to work. You can listen in the car, while exercising, or while doing just about any other activity... you can even listen while you sleep! So there's absolutely no reason why you can't find the time to improve. And remember, it's effortless. Just pop a CD in, relax, and let it do all the work!
P.P.S. We are committed to serving our customers as quickly as possible. So, if you place your order before 8 a.m., it will be shipped to you the very same day! If you place your order after 8 a.m., it will be shipped to you the very next business day.
Hi Mike,
I've come along way from being depressed and full of am anxiety
since receiving my CD's Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now and
Real Self Esteem Now.
That was 3 years ago.
I can honestly say that it has changed my life. My story
started years ago when I was just a teenager. I fell into a
depression from being abused physically, mentally and sexually.
I had no self esteem and couldn't stand to look in the mirror at
myself. I couldn't continue to attend school as my fear inside
had taken over. I felt so lost and alone for years. I couldn't
function like a normal person. I just wanted to die!
I got your website from a local priest to whom I confided in 3
years ago. And with his help and your work of devotion of
creating such helpful programs I finally came out of the dark
hole I was in and started to see how I could help myself. I
listen to my CD's everyday and every night as part of my
I went back to school and obtained my Grade 12 and some
Computer courses. It was really hard but I did it. I feel so
much better and more confident.
Thank you, Suzanne
More Real Self-Esteem
Now! Successes |
Orders placed by 11:00 AM EST ship the same day! |
Dear Mike,
Oh, how right you are- how right you are- how right you are!
I purchased some of your tapes about three years ago (Setting
and Achieving Goals Now, Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now and
Real Self Esteem Now) and listen to one or
more of them each day: I find it is the only way to stay
motivated. Yes, the messages in the tapes do CHANGE your life.
I now go to the gym twice each week-I am sixty-five. I don't
work for the best boss: no problem, as my response to his
actions and reactions is determined by me and only me (his
actions do not determine how I feel) success in one area has led
me to achieving success, or improvement, in other areas.
Like the great athletes you mention in your motivation
messages: they practice, practice, practice, and practice...Now,
I follow that regimen when learning anything new, or trying to
improve on a habit I am trying to adapt or learn. Your "Setting& Achieving Goals," is one of
the tapes which I found to be of significant benefit. Two years
ago, my wife and I decided we would like to vacation in Ireland.
Yes, the tickets have been purchased, and arrangements made: We
leave in May 2007 for sixteen days.
I study scripture a lot, and use it too to guide me in living
the best life I know how. Having listened to your tapes for
several years, I find that your tapes and the messages in
scripture have a lot in common: Perseverance, perseverance,
perseverance! I am not sure if anyone has noted the relationship
between the two, but this similarity is noteworthy.
I will retire next year, and am looking forward to learning
many new things.
What a difference the tapes and messages have made.
Keep up the good work, and God bless you.
Mike Vajdos
More Real Self-Esteem
Now! Successes |
Orders placed by 11:00 AM EST ship the same day! |

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