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From housebound with panic to confident speaker

Hello my friend:

Here is what can happen when you are crippled with the mental
patterns that create unreasonable anxiety and panic and then you
start using 'Dissolving Panic & Anxiety Now.'

Self image improves, discipline becomes stronger, confidence
goes up, your ability to do what you fear grows, imagining
negative outcomes slows, mistakes/setbacks/failures take on new
positive meanings... and on and on and on...


Dear Mike,

For years I have suffered from Anxiety/Panic Disorder, and had
gotten to the point where I could not leave my home without
experiencing extreme emotional reactions. Eventually, I ended
up staying within the confines of my home for several days at a
time without ever leaving. Finally, the man whom I live with,
Jim, who has been a subscriber to your website for quite a long
time, recently ordered one of your tapes for me, 'Dissolving
Panic & Anxiety Now
', and I would like to tell you what your tape
did for me.

I began listening to your tape on December 23, 2006, and after
about 2 weeks, I began to notice a difference in the way I was
feeling inside. Where I once felt a constant tightness, I
noticed a feeling of joy and genuine happiness. At first I
didn't connect it with the tape, I was just happy to be free
from constant worry and anxiety. I was truly overwhelmed with
this new person I felt I was becoming. I began to look forward
to waking up every day, I mean; I couldn't wait to go to bed,
because that meant that I would be waking up next. My whole
outlook on everything around me became positive, and I came to
have an outlook on life like never before.

Approximately six weeks after I began listening to your tape
came the first time that I felt no panic, anxiety, or negative
emotional reaction what-so-ever when it came time to leave the
house to go the grocery store. In fact, I was excited about a
trip outside the house, and with my love, Jimmy. As we were
driving away from the house I said 'Oh my God, Jim, do you know
that this is the first time I feel no anxiety at all about doing
this?' He responded, 'I knew you were going say that!'

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One of my biggest issues, Mike, was the anxiety and panic I
felt going into crowded places. It's been literally
debilitating, not to mention the effect it's had on my
relationship with Jim. However, since listening to your tape I
seem to have overcome the emotionally provoked reactions I
experienced at one time, and may I add, very quickly at that!

Recently, Jim and I flew to San Diego to attend a seminar. I
won't tell you that I didn't experience some form of anxiety,
let's face it, just about everyone getting on a plane these days
does. What I want to tell you, though, the important point of
this, is that not only did I go to the airport and get on the
plane, fly completely across the country to attend this seminar,
but I also got up in front of that room full of people and gave
an explanation of a point of the discussion we were on. It was
as though I was on 'Auto-Pilot', or someone else was me, if that
makes any sense.

I participated in the entire event, but the best part, Mike,
was that I did all of this with so much ease, that I knew it was
your tape, *'Dissolving Anxiety and Panic Now'*, that created
these tremendous changes within me. I knew that the only right
thing to do was to thank you.

Thank you so very much, Mike, for the difference your tape
'Dissolving Anxiety & Panic Now' has made within me and my life.
I am a better, and much happier person because of it, and would
recommend your program to anyone who is struggling, not only
with the disorder I have suffered from, but from any other
emotional road block that prevents a them from moving forward in
their life, and becoming the best they can be.

Marie B.
Rochester, New York


M.B. Ah, a fellow Upstate New Yorker! Congrats on the trip
and the speaking in front of the big crowd! What it comes down
to is when your mind automatically thinks like those who are
confident, fearless and at ease, you will feel that way and you
will live a life free of undue fear, no matter what Big Pharma
wants you to believe.

I love you all,

Mike Brescia

P.S. End unnecessary fears. Stop getting caught in the endless
negative loop of 'What if...' You have one life. Start
enjoying it NOW! - Dissolving Panic & Anxiety Now!

P.P.S. Four TRN programs complement and support Dissolving
Panic & Anxiety
perfectly, if you feel REALLY bad. They are
Setting & Achieving Goals Now, Freedom From Depression Now, Real
Self-Esteem Now
and Infinite Joy Now. You can get them at:
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp

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