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2007 Recent Articles


Do what you gotta do no matter how hard it is

Hello my friend:

I just had a conversation with someone that I've come to know
fairly well over the last few years, advising her on certain
matters. What she just told me was one of the finest examples
of leadership and decision-making under stress that I have ever

The 30 second version is this: Since last summer, she stopped
supporting her lazy son and his lazy wife. She was tired of
working all day and night owning her own business and still
being broke all the time and not being appreciated at all for
any of it.

I helped her to see clearly that no matter what she has done in
the past to help them financially, the only effect it had was to
make both her son and his wife less and less capable of helping
themselves. I'll spare you any more details. Suffice to say
that her son's home life is classic Jerry Springer. This 24-
year-old kid is opposite in every way to his mother.

Well, three days ago she made one of the hardest decisions...
she told her daughter-in-law that she just couldn't do it
anymore, that she couldn't see her 'grandbabies' anymore, that
she just couldn't take the heartache of being treated like dirt
and seeing how their kids were being brought up.

So this was goodbye.

The daughter-in-law's reaction?

As her mother-in-law turned to leave, she pushed her off the
front steps from behind!

Then she saluted her with a 'double bird' as her mother-in-law
drove off.

So what do you think, good decision?

Look, we can't always choose the situations that we find
ourselves in or the people that find their way in our lives one
way or another.

The only thing that we CAN do as leaders is to make the best,
principle-centered, morally right decisions that we can. Doing
the right thing is rarely the easiest thing. Doing what's right
is often the hardest thing to do.

That is why most people in most situations hardly ever do
what's right or what's truly best in the long run.

Mike Brescia's FREE health, business, success &
financial tips will guide & inspire you like nothing else

Your privacy is assured. We never rent, sell or share emails for any reason.

That's why Think Right Now Accelerated Behavior Modification
Programs are so important. They help people make the decisions
they want to make but don't have the strength to make on their

Here's an example of how TRN programs give people the ability
to make decisions that need to be made:


Just over two years ago I found myself 30 lbs overweight and
not feeling too good about myself. I work in an office and
don't get much physical activity during the day. I knew I
needed to start an exercise program but the task just seemed too

I purchased your 'I Love Exercising Now' CD and outlined a diet and exercise program for myself. The first few weeks of exercise were pretty hit and miss and I nearly gave up a few times, but I faithfully listened to your program as was outlined and more if I was traveling in the car.

After the first few weeks I found it easer to get out of bed to
run or ride my bike. When my alarm went off, I just felt ready
to get up and begin the day with a run. I started off walking
and jogging and it was not long until I was running 5 miles each
morning or riding my bike 10 miles. It was even easier for me
to stay away from my favorite soda pop, when I had previously
been drinking way too much of this stuff. Now I drink water. I
continued listening to your program and exercising and over the
course of a year I shrunk by over 25 lbs.

I still exercise regularly and have completed a 1/2 marathon
along with several 10k runs. I also maintain a healthy diet. I
have dropped 35 lbs and feel very good. I feel the exercise
program played a big role in helping me to accomplish my goals.
Thank you for your help and the great programs.

Thanks again for your help.

Jay H, UT


M.B.: Awesome, Jay. I want to comment on one of the things you
said. You said you knew you had to exercise to reach your
goal, but that the task just seemed too big. That is one of the
11 primary mental patterns of failure that I discovered... it's
when our minds expand the size and difficulty of a task or
responsibility. The effect this has is to cause us to
procrastinate, to never set a goal at all or to quit after we
start. That is what I'll Think Right Now Programs do... they us
to shrink down the size of tasks that we need to do.

When we think of our responsibilities as small, they seem
easier. When they seem easy, we are less likely to
procrastinate or quit once we get going.

Hmmmmm... I'd like to add another story, but the one I want to
share with you is too long.

I'll send it in a little while...

Love you all!

Mike Brescia

P.S. In the mean time, get over to http://www.thinkrightnow.com
and read about the programs, learn about the 22 mental patterns
and how you can change yours to help you feel how you want to
feel and get what you want in the one life you have.

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customers, we will reward those who help us! Send a detailed
success story/case study about any Think Right Now! or Instant
Inner Power programs, and you can choose any TRN! or IIP audio
of your choice. You only pick up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately. Brilliant!

To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
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benefits. If you send a picture, just attach it to your email.

Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com and tell us your
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self-help products for the
next millennium.  Aye
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Mike Litman,
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