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2007 Recent Articles

June 30, 2007

I wrote it 500 times

Hello my friend:

I swear she was nuts.  I was a little scared of her.  If she
caught you talking when you weren't supposed to, it was very
likely that a pill bottle would soon be sailing like a guided
missile through the air directly at your head.

Yeah, she was a bit crazy...

But she was also brilliant...

You see, when I was an eight-year-old third-grader, I had this
habit of turning in homework, quizzes and tests without putting
my name at the top of the paper.  So whenever I did that, when
all the other kids were outside playing during recess, Mrs.
DeLong would keep me in the classroom writing my name 500 times.

It only took a couple missed recesses before I got it...

She knew the repetition of writing my name over and over
combined with the negative consequences of not being allowed to
play with the other kids would soon break me of the bad habit.
It sure worked fast.

When you want to learn quickly and get good at something fast,
you simply need to practice doing that thing and put the
information in your mind as often as possible.  Repetition is
the only thing proven to sink true knowledge and expertise into
your subconscious mind.  Nothing even comes close.

How did you get so good at tying your shoes? 

How is it that you can type so fast today?
Have you ever wondered how the best pro basketball players can
throw the ball up 20 feet from a hoop that is barely bigger than
the ball yet put it in 20 times in a row without a miss?

Right... practice. 

Or as my Italian grandfather used to say, "P-r-rattice."

When you p-r-rattice anything every day you'll get so good,
you won't even have to think about it.  Doing it right becomes

So remember this whenever you begin feeling frustrated at your
inability to do something well or to do it at all.

When this jumps into your mind whenever you get frustrated,
you will be on your way.

Replace frustration with the desire to practice and you'll
instantly feel less like a victim and more like a person on the
success path.


Mike Brescia


P.S.  If you want a proven way to change your moment by moment
thoughts, a way to change how you feel and away to get yourself
to happily do the things you'd like to do but won't/can't do, go
right now to
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com  and start a fr ee 14 day trial
and the programs that address your unique needs. 

You will get so good so fast, it will astound you. Thoughts
will come to you that never did before.  Words will come out of
your mouth that you never said before.  You'll easily make
decisions and choices that you never could before.  And actions
that were always difficult or impossible will now be easy and


P.P.S.  This just in... "Thank you, Mike, for your awesome
positive outlook.  My husband purchased some of the Thinkrightnow
CD's that you talk about at
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
There are helpful and important messages on them.  For me, the
action that is taken from the better thinking is what really
counts most.  I appreciate you and am busy and I mean really busy
doing the best I can with the knowledge and right thinking I am
attaining. Thanks."
JoAnn Perza


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To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've helped
me a lot.' doesn't count.

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Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used, how/when you
used it/them, how long you used it/them, what clear, specific
changes/benefits you received.  Please be descriptive of the
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Send your story to support(at)thinkrightnow.com  and tell us your
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