This is one program that is truly changing the world one
person at a time.
Everyone who learns how to deal with the inevitable
challenges, problems and tragedies they'll face without
being so upset, instead being pushed to resolve their
disagreements and create solutions that everyone can live
with is...
Well, changing the world.
Because problem anger and violence is passed down in
Study after study after study proves it... when you grow
up in a household where there is fear and violence, you are
many times more likely to do the same to your kids.
We learn from those we spend the most time with. Period.
Every habit you have started out as a seed when you were
much younger.
Here are a couple great stories sent in recently about
Anger Management Now.
Dear Mike,
I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder and put on
medication about 15 years ago. One of the symptoms of Bi-
Polar is anger. I have always had problems with my anger
and have felt helpless to control it or understand what was
happening to me. There were well meaning people that told
me it was a matter of self-control but this seemed way
beyond my control and I could not see any options.
I had been on medication for the Bi-Polar but it did not
seem to help with the anger. In the last two years I
decided to get off my medication, deal with the issues and
learn better coping strategies for life. It was shortly
after this time that I came across the Think Right Now
and began listening to "Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now"
because I had a
breakdown in addition to the Bi-Polar
Disorder and I was
diagnosed with Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder. When the
Panic and Anxiety were virtually
gone I decided to attack
the Bi-Polar head on with
"Freedom From Depression Now" and
then you
came out with the "Anger Management Now"
program, I was set.
I listened every night and every afternoon and began
reading the 15 statements that I felt I had the most
difficulty with daily.
At first I didn't notice much but was determined to stick
with it because through my research I had already
determined that much of my problems were due to incorrect
thinking patterns, garbage in garbage out, and I had gotten
such good results with "Dissolving Panic and Anxiety Now".
I was a little discouraged because I am not able to
"perfectly" do all the things the statements say but
overall I feel much calmer and in more control.
So I decided to get an outside opinion since I tend to be
a perfectionist. I asked my husband and he said I am much
calmer now. Though there are still some triggers, he said
he feels he is able to communicate with me about a wider
range of issues and he feels the level of intimacy in our
relationship has improved greatly. I am thankful for an
improved marriage and a calmer self.
I NO longer feel helpless and without options and am so
appreciative of all the work you are doing by expanding the
number of programs available to us.
Donna, California
Hi Mike,
Basically, I have been one of those people that tends to
be very laid back with a long anger 'fuse.' Sadly though,
once my 'buttons' had been sufficiently pushed and the fuse
had been lit the ensuing explosion often turned ugly.
Although I never physically harmed my (now) ex-wife I was
often verbally loud, abusive, and generally obnoxious.
I consider myself a good, loving father to my two young
girls but have had episodes of intense anger with them that
really scared me (not to mention them.) My youngest
daughter cried incessantly almost every night for the first
year of her life and I often caught myself wanting to shake
the living daylights out of her once the tiredness set in
and my patience had worn thin.
One day my eldest daughter deliberately slammed the door
on my youngest girl when they were playing a chasing game,
and quite badly injured her finger. I remember losing
control, chasing my eldest and spanking the back of her
legs several times. After I cooled down and the smoke
cleared I was incredibly ashamed and thought to myself
"Man, I really have an anger problem and something
seriously needs to be done about it."
Later that year my wife and I separated after often losing
our tempers and what seemed like endless rounds of heated
arguing. She took both my girls back to Japan with her
leaving me with a lot to reflect upon.
I had been receiving your awesome emails for some time and
when the release of your "Anger Management Now!" came
through I leaped at the chance to change that in me, which
had caused so much misery in my life and the destruction of
my marriage. After the program arrived I lied down, closed
my eyes and religiously listened to both CDs everyday for
about 3 weeks prior to flying over to Japan to see my girls
for the school holidays.
The results were nothing short of incredible. My ex-wife
was extremely moody and argumentative almost the entire 5
weeks I spent there. It was like she had pulled out all her
notes on how to get me riled up and tried to unleash 8
months worth (the amount of time since I had seen them all
last) in the short time I was there. I don't know who was
more surprised, when I was cool, calm and did not react to
her biting comments, lack of respect and silent treatment.
If I did have to verbally defend myself I tended to do so
in a rational and controlled way - this was totally unlike
how I had reacted in the past with her.
It also seemed that my girls (especially my eldest who
tends to be quite 'strong-willed) were trying to test my
newfound control and not only did I never resort to
spanking them, in 5 weeks of being with them 24/7 I rarely
even raised my voice to achieve compliance with them.
Needless to say, I walked away very proud of myself and the
new self-control I exerted.
Once again, thanks a million Mike and if you get a chance
to produce a product on "Positive Parenting" I will
definitely be in the long queue to purchase that one.
Warmest regards,
New Zealand
M.B. No time like the present to create a better you.
If there is strife in your life, if there are arguments
and ugliness, don't think it's all the other person's fault.
The first step to improving any area of your life is to
admit you need help.
The second step is to go get it.
Anger Management Now is proven to handle some sticky jobs.
Give it a shot. (no pun intended)
You will be glad you did.
P.S. The clock is ticking. Anger Management Now is about
to go up in price tomorrow.
P.P.S. Anger Management Now counts as 2 programs toward
our special "Buy 3, Get 1 Free" going on right now. BIG
Get a complimentary program!
In order to pass on 'best practices' to other
subscribers/customers, we will reward those who help us!
Send a detailed success story/case study about any Think
Right Now! or Instant Inner Power programs, and you can
choose any TRN! or IIP audio of your choice. You only pick
up the normal shipping & handling.
When we get your story, we'll send your choice of program
immediately. Brilliant!
To be clear about this, 'I love your programs, they've
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Include this info...
Your name, shipping address, program title(s) used,
how/when you used it/them, how long you used it/them, what
clear, specific changes/benefits you received. Please be
descriptive of the benefits. If you send a picture, just
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Send your story to support(at) and tell
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