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2008 Recent Articles

February 1, 2008

Be a Terminator

Hello my friend:

I just got some interesting questions posed to me by a
client.  They're good questions and everyone should know
the answers to them to get the max growth as fast as

First, she said her son began playing a TRN program all
night long and didn't sleep well.

OK, there are two possible reasons for that. One is that
it was too loud. The words only needs to be heard as a
whisper if played at night. That is plenty loud enough for
your ears to pick it up while you slumber. If you can't
sleep with noise in the room, but want to listen at night,
keep turning it down until you can just barely make out the
words consciously. You won't hear the music this way, but
that is absolutely perfect, since you're already fairly
relaxed with your eyes closed and don't need the music to
lower your brainwaves.

The second reason that could cause sleeplessness is that
his mind is resisting the statements.  These are behavior
modification programs, after all, and they force the
change... something the brain and mind don't always take
kindly to at first.  Keep going.  All the changes are
helpful, so his mind will soon enough appreciate the
encouragement and new empowered emotions.

Her second question was a tricky one.  She had a concern
about a re-patterning statement in Unstoppable Motivation
that commands you to believe that you are a winner
and always play to win.  She was worried about turning into
a person whose desire is so strong that in some situations,
she might turn into a person willing to do anything to
anyone ("step on") to get what she wanted; in essence
becoming a "bad" person.

The answer is that, it would only be remotely possible, IF
that were her MANTRA all day long... if she simply kept
saying ONLY that she plays to win no matter what, you MIGHT
get out of balance and lie, cheat or steal to get what you

But that's a huge stretch.  Because first, if you follow
the directions, you are focusing your reading and writing
on 10-15 statements which provide balance, not just one
statement; and second, there are built in checks and
balances in each program... just like in life.  For this
and all our programs, we study the best of the best.  We
look for beliefs, attitudes and emotions that create good
people, not megalomaniacs who are only concerned with power
over others.

As Zig Ziglar once told me, "Winners don't see through
other people; winners see other people through."

In Unstoppable Motivation Now, for example, the goal was
to create a "Terminator" mentality who won't stop until
they get where they need/want to go.  But an additional,
just as important primary aim of the program is to create a
person who brings other people along with them, surrounding
themselves with a great circle of people who have the same
general wants, needs and desires they have, NOT in stepping
over people to get to the top of the hill.

But opponents... now that is another story.

For people who've never reached the top of a speed bump,
let alone the top of a mountain, you must keep one thing in
mind, winning at ANYTHING in life often means that someone
else has to lose. 

Imagine an athlete who can't put an opponent away because
they see how sad/hurt their opponent is because they are

Imagine a sales person who can't close the sale because
she keeps thinking about all the other salespeople who want
this account for themselves, so she feels guilty... and
blows it.

Imagine a college coach who can't recruit great players
outside their home state because they can't handle it when
the players get home sick for Mommy.  They have sympathy
instead of empathy. And it creates failure.

Or how about a parent who always lets their child win when
they play games, so it will "build their self-esteem"?
Problem is, when outsiders who are playing for keeps get
a hold of their kid, the kid won't know what to do to take
care of themselves against the sharks... because they never
had to try very hard at home to get by.  So failure and low
self-esteem is the result.  Ironic, huh?

When you are working to be a stick-to-it person who
doesn't give up, you will have to rely on your own good
judgment when it comes to how you treat others. If you are
a good person who cares about others, 'Unstoppable
Motivation Now!' will enhance that great quality in you.
If you are a lying, cheating sack of you know what, then it
probably won't change them immediately, even though there
are plenty of re-patterning statements in there that work
to the contrary.
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For anyone worried about being TOO motivated (?), then
there are two other programs I'd recommend:

First, Setting & Achieving Goals Now!.
This will keep you balanced, pushing you to set and
achieve big wonderful goals in all areas of your life, not
just in one (which creates imbalance).

Second, 'Win Friends & Influence People Now!'

This one not only will give you strong suggestions on what
to do to sway people to your way of thinking more easily,
but it's primary goal is to turn you into a person who is a
deeply compassionate, caring person that other people want
to be around, listen to and follow.  Not just hollow
techniques designed only to get what you want while leaving
the person unmoved.

My client's final question was about a statement that
commands you to believe you can push yourself through any
pain or discomfort in order to succeed.  She was worried
about hurting herself more, pushing through physical pain
that might be a sign of injury that needs rest or medical
attention instead of hurting it worse.

Great question.  The answer lies in how the statement is
worded.  It commands you to believe that you "can" push
yourself through pain or discomfort if you have to, not
that you ignore pain.

Pain, is often the body's signal that something is wrong
and needs to stop doing the thing that makes it hurt more.

But in life, you must have the ability to go beyond pain,
either emotional or physical when absolutely necessary.  If
you can't, then you don't get any rewards.  You'd be known
as unreliable.  In fact, you'll miss out on the things you
want a WHOLE LOT.  If you completely disagree, you would
need to grow up.  You will need to change your thinking. 

Life is not easy.  It will test you.  Daily.

Quit because your "motivation" isn't what it should be,
and lose... or keep going when you must and win.

Simple choice, really, but hard to follow in the real world.

No problemo.  That is what Think Right Now International
is here to change... the things you can't change on your own.

See what I mean at
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/motivation.asp

You terminator, you.



P.S. Next week, our Accelerated Success Conditioning
Program, 'Laser-Focused Concentration Now'
is going up 33% from it's current sale price to it's
normal price where it will stay.

P.S. Speaking of Zig Ziglar, check out the book I co-
authored with him, 101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life at
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/r/101greatways.asp  
It is one book that will change you. You'll love it.

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- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
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