April 15, 2008
Are we just sicker now
Hello my friend:
Sherry and I were watching a TV show last night, and
practically every commercial during the hour-long program
was about some type of pharmaceutical product - except for
the odd Windex commercial.
You know the ones. Magic pills to end your depression,
improve your sex life, sleep through the night, stop acid
reflux - even help those "restless legs."
OK, granted, there are people who have symptoms now and
who want relief now, immediately without doing one thing
that may be good for them. They just want relief. But how
many pills does the average 50 year-old need to take? Are
people just sicker these days, or what?
The truth is... No, people aren't any sicker than they
were say, 20 years ago. But people ARE a lot more stressed
Our research shows that damaging self-talk, negative
thoughts and self-defeating beliefs and attitudes place
enormous physical stress on the body. As a result, the
body is many times more likely to break down and develop
physical problems (Mental Pattern of Failure #11).
Stress from and undeveloped coping mechanisms have proven
to create everything from headaches, diarrhea, infections,
and hair loss to IBS, heart problems, high blood pressure,
immune problems ... the list is practically endless.
University studies even show that 90% of all disease is
stress related...
Stress from poor diet to poor coping skills.
So if you haven't been able to feel as healthy and
energetic as you'd like... so if it seems you're frequently
sick or tired and can't understand why ... then you're
probably a victim of your own destructive thoughts,
beliefs, and attitudes. "90% of all sickness and disease..."
They are holding you back just as effectively as if
someone chained you to a mountain. And until you gain the
ability to shrink and eliminate unsupportive thought
processes, you'll continue to look and feel like "you-know-
what" no matter how many gadgets, pills, self-help books,
or gadgets you buy.
To create circumstance in your life that you want, and to
feel great physically and mentally, you must have a way to
replace all the negative code with the beliefs, attitudes,
and thoughts of people who do what you want to do and who
feel how you want to feel... and who do so effortlessly,
You can do it. It does NOT have to take years of
emotionally difficult therapy or expensive pharmaceutical
cocktails. It can be quick and easy with a Think Right
Now! Accelerated Success Conditioning Program.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
At this very minute, Think Right Now! Programs are helping
tens of thousands of people all over the world feel
healthier. End their depression. Lose weight. Boost their
income. Create rewarding relationships. And finally
experience the kind of personal joy and success they were
never able to before.
Many have moved from very good to great.
That can be you, too.
You just need to absorb it. Learn it. Become it. Start
right now.
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
PS: Don't let physical problems drag you down a minute
longer. Re-program you mind to break free of pain and
illness - even witness genuine health miracles in your own
life. The case histories are pretty amazing...
P.P.S. Did you know that 85% of chronic digestive
problems are made even worse by stress and negative thought
patterns? Before you reach for the chalky liquids and
'purple pills' that make the problem worse, here's a better
way. You can feel the difference in 48 hours, usually less.
- http://www.greattastenopain.com .
(c) copyright 2017 Think Right Now Int'l
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com
- http://www.instantinnerpower.com
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