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2009 Recent Articles

February 2, 2009

We all need a little Pittsburgh

Hello my friend:

When asked why the Steelers won yesterday's Super Bowl,
most people would say it's because they stopped Larry
Fitzgerald from touching the ball for most of three

Many would say that it was their ferocious defense that

More would chime in with a mention of a 100 yard
interception return where it seemed that half the black and
gold jerseys on the field threw at least one important
block as James Harrison rumbled his number 92 down the
field on the way to his historic score that turned the tide.

And that final drive was... stuff of legends.

But those were simply the final performance. 

The victory had been won before the game began.

The Steelers won because--to borrow a line former
Cardinals coach Dennis Green said once about the Chicago
Bears a couple years ago-- "They are who we thought they

And Troy Polamalu concurred yesterday when he said after
the game that the Steelers had taken on the personality of
the city of Pittsburgh.

"We're unselfish, we're very blue collar, and we’re resilient."

Here, here.

Pittsburgh is not a town that is known for its high tech
industries.  It is not packed with miles of shiny high
rises like other cities.  It is not a place where you move
to when you retire.

It is a place that can live inside of you at any age.

Or more appropriately said, no matter where you reside in
the world, if you want to live up to your potential, you
need to have a little Pittsburgh flowing through your veins.

If you want to win more than you lose, if you want to get
closer to your potential in life, if you want to have a
legacy that you or anyone would be proud to have, you need
to take on the personality of the city of Pittsburgh.

If more people and more companies and more organizations
of all types lived each day giving more of themselves
(unselfish), were more willing to do what must be done when
it must be done no matter how distasteful the job (blue
collar), and capable of picking themselves up and keep
going after setbacks and defeats (resilient), then our
people, our country and our world would not be in the
current mess we're in right now.

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Yes, yesterday's Super Bowl was won by making plays when
they counted.

But before the plays were executed on the field, belief
that they could win drove them toward their destiny.
Confidence drove every step.

Desire gave them Herculean strength when it counted most.

A lack of fear of what could happen if they chose the
wrong play or failed to execute their responsibilities kept
them focused.

You see; whether it's athletics, school, business,
politics, or war, principles are what make the difference
between success and failure.

Habit control and emotion/behavior modification programs
like Unstoppable Motivation Now, Supreme Confidence Now, End
Procrastination Now and Releasing Fear of Failure Now
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/catalog.asp each take all
the emotional and action habit patterns needed for success
in each and every area of life and drive them into your
mind using Lozanov's Suggestopedic method that serves to
make the most empowering attitudes a part of you.

So just like the Steelers, young men who move to Pittsburgh
from all parts of the country, have been transformed by the
mindset of the people they live with, using Think Right Now
programs will transform you and help you to become, on a
cellular level, like those people who are able to feel how
they want to feel, and do what must be done without misery,
without crying about what you have to do...

...so that you can stand up and proclaim to the world and
to yourself that you are proud of who you are, proud of
what you stand for, proud of what you have accomplished...
every day and every hour of your life.

And most importantly, like the city of Pittsburgh has done
for its football teams over the years, you'll be able to
help other people to achieve these things, too.

I am proud to have helped and to continue to help so many
people get a little Pittsburgh flowing through their veins.

You'll love how you'll feel and what you can achieve when
you install the mental, emotional and action habits of the
people you want to be like the most.  I guarantee it.


Mike Brescia

PS: Remember that 'Releasing Fear of Failure Now!'
- http://www.thinkrightnow.com/a/rfof.asp is still 30% off
the normal price.  But it's going up.  The clock is
ticking down on this massive discount.  Get it now before
time expires.

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